Helena Township Board Meeting February 10th, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Butch Peeples, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, Cathy Rice and Butch Bartz absent. Motion by Rice to approve the agenda and supported by Robbins and approved. Motion by Robbins to approve the January’s meeting minutes and supported by Peterson and approved.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment:
Treasurer’s Report: beginning balance January 1st, 2021 is $624,029.39
Total receipts: $146,182.22 and total disbursements: $25,421.54
Ending balance January 31; 2021 is $744,790.07
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved.
Presentation of Bills: January 1-31: $17,793.08, February 1-10th; $9,61.79
Fire Chief/Sheriff Report: Paul Fabianoreviewed report for STLFD
Speakers: Jenn Wright and Emily Burke from GRNA; Grass River natural Area gave a presentation on the state of grass river and a future adaptative plan for the river.
Communications: Reviewed sheriff’s report.
Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report
Planning Commission: Held meeting Feb. 8th and discussed language about activities permitted in AG.
Parks & Rec: No report
Roads: No report
Old Business: Snow removal bid from Willow Ridge Property Maintenance reviewed; Robbins made the motion to accept this bid with support by Bartz and motion carried.
New Business: Budget meeting June 15th, 2022 to be held in government room, Helena Township community center and posted 15 days before.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented.
Robbins made the motion to pay the bills and supported by Peterson and approved.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 8:00 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson