Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
August 17, 2021—Extension of Special meeting for special use permit
Meeting called to order by Gurr at 7:00 P.M.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Laura Westerman Joe Bassil Bonnie Robbins Sue Moglovkin Mike Robinson Absent: Gordy Schafer Township officials present: Bob Logee, Butch Peeples
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Moglovkin . Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: 3 no comments
Continued member discussion on special use permit Mat Carver, representative for applicant, explained the need for a new sign. The old sign was plugged in 24/7 with no control. With ownership change it seemed a good time to update the sign. The new sign will be smaller. Sign will allow them to shut it off at night.
Consensus that the bullets of concern from the August 12th meeting have been answered. Based on a finding of fact from section 6.03.01 motion to approve sending this application to the township board of trustees with support for approval was made by Moglovkin and supported by Westerman. Motion carried. Robbins will present recommendation to the township board.
Public Comment: Question from Robinson on why applicants are required to go through the special use permit process. Gurr and Robbins explained the need is based on allowing the township to review each application based on location within the township. Special use permit allows the township to apply reasonable conditions to minimize any negative impact but still allow applicants an avenue for use of this technology.
Adjourn: 7:32 P.M. Motion Robbins, 2nd Robinson. Carried
Respectfully Submitted, Bonnie Robbins; Recording Secretary