Draft Helena Township Board Meeting April 14th, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Butch Peeples, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, Cathy Rice and Butch Bartz. Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda and supported by Bartz and approved. Motion by Robbins to approve the February’s meeting minutes and supported by Rice and approved.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Laury Stone spoke about municipal system for control of storm water in Alden and a septic tank pumping system for Alden downtown businesses.
Beth Dole provided information on environmental studies of Torch Lake.
Joel Willbee spoke about a retail store for marijuana in Alden. Additional comments by Jason Green about marijuana stores.
Helena Township opted out of allowing marijuana stores in the township.
Treasurer’s Report: beginning balance March 1st, 2022 is $840,105.27
Total receipts: $9,697.70 and total disbursements: $28,284.70
Ending balance March 31; 2022 is $821,518.27
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved.
Presentation of Bills: March 1-31: $18,571.73, April 1-14th; $6,829.79
Fire Chief/Sheriff Report: Paul Fabianoreviewed report for STLFD
Speakers: None
Communications: Tammy Lockwood commented on Breast Cancer Prevention Awareness Month. Would like to see a banner across highway in Alden.
Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report
Planning Commission: Robbins reported that commission working on language for cargo containers as accessory structures for storage only.
Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith reported on a planned celebration at Coy Mtn. Preserve July16th with Grand Traverse Land Conservancy. Peterson to contact CAKE CISMA at Antrim County about spraying garlic mustard at Coy Mtn. Preserve.
Roads: Bartz to speak with Burt Thompson about maintenance of Paige Road that is unpaved.
Complaint about runoff into resident’s yard adjacent to Clam Lake access on Chapman road.
Old Business: Budget meeting June 15th, 2022 to be held in government room, Helena Township community center and posted 15 days before.
New Business: Millage for community center resolutionread by supervisor Peeples. Rice made the motion to approve the resolution with support by Robbins. Roll call vote; 5 yes votes and resolution approved.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented.
Robbins made the motion to pay the bills and supported by Bartz and approved.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 8:47 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson