Helena Township Board March 14, 2019 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7 pm. Members present were Rick Teague, Bonnie Robbins, David Peterson, Cathy Rice and Butch Bartz absent.
Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda and supported by Rice and approved.
Motion by Robbins to approve the minutes and supported by Rice and approved.
Public Comment: None
Treasurer’s report; beginning balance Feb.1, 2019 is $486,686.93
Total receipts: $121,773.57 and total disbursements: $24,288.55
Ending balance as of 02/28/2019 is $584,171.95
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Teague with support by Robbins and approved.
Presentation of Bills: Feb. 1-28: $13,587.62 and Mar. 1-14; $6,036.51
Speakers: None
Communications: None
Zoning: Zoning report reviewed.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported continued discussion of potential language changes. Planning Commission recommends that the township opt out of recreational marihuana.
Ambulance Authority: Teague reported that two smaller ambulance rigs have arrived.
Parks: Ruth Smith reported on meeting. Rice made the motion to approve the purchase of five trash receptacles for parks not to exceed $1500.00 with support by Robbins and approved.
Roads: No update. Board to save up road millage monies for future road projects and not use non-millage building monies. The treasurer is going to put road millage money into a CD at the Alden State Bank and negotiate the interest rate.
Old Business: None
New Business: Reviewed additional cemetery policy information for heirs. Teague made the motion to accept the additional cemetery policy information for heirs with support by Robbins and approved.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Ruth Smith and Jim Gurr commented on public input on recreational marihuana and road projects.
Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 7:45 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk; David Peterson
David Peterson