Board Minutes November 10, 2022

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Helena Township Board Meeting November 10th, 2022

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.  Members present were David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins,  Cathy Rice, Butch Bartz and Butch Peeples.  Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda and supported by Bartz and approved.  Motion by Robbins to approve the October’s meeting minutes and supported by Bartz and approved. 

Conflict of Interest: None          

 Public Comment:

Minutes:  Motion by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved with one name spelling correction.

 Treasurer’s Report:  beginning balance October1st, 2022 is $545,230.07

                                     Total receipts: $22,391.84 and total disbursements: $35,642.43

                                     Ending balance October 31; 2022 is $531,979.48

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved.

Presentation of Bills: October; $25,201.17, November 1-10th; $18,875.46

Fire Chief/Sheriff Report:  Paul Fabiano reviewed report for STLFD. 

 Speakers: None

Communications: Supervisor to talk to the Historical Society about the smoke detectors.

Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report

Planning Commission: Robbins reported meeting times changed to first Thursday of each month at 5:00 PM.  Special meeting scheduled for Dec. 1st at 5:00 PM.  New copies of zoning ordinance available to PC members.  Bob Mack appointed to Planning Commission.  Update short term rentals and other zoning language in future meetings. *Corrected in the December 8th minutes.

Parks & Rec: Steve Dell discussed a SPARKS grant for the Ball Park and the Tennis Court Park.  Board agreed to go forward with applying for two SPARKS grants.  Rice made the motion to approve $3000 to apply for a SPARKS grant for the Ball Park and a SPARKS grant for the Tennis Court Park and supported by Robbins and motion carried.  Garden Club to continue maintaining flower beds at the Depot Park. Discussed possible expansion of the Pavilion at the Tennis Court Park.

Roads: Bartz to obtain estimates for road repairs to Alden meadows and East Torch Lake Dr.  Rice reported $20,000.00 allocation for roads fund.   

Old Business: Parking lot at rear of community center completed with Afton stone.  Depot Park fencing going in.  Additional fencing to be done at the community center.

New Business: None

Announcements:  None

Additional Public Comment: Terry VanAlstine reported hiring of new county airport manager and new county administrator.  New estimate for knox boxes for jail.  County repaired clock tower. Redo play equipment at Barnes Park. County to purchase Dominion tabulators at a cost of $20,000.00.  Animal control now under county board of commissioners.

Jim Gurr spoke about changes at state legislature.  County board of canvassers certified Nov. 8th election results.

Robbins made the motion to pay the bills and supported by Bartz and approved.

Adjournment by call of the chair at 7:53 PM.

Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson