Helena Township Board Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Bonnie Robbins, David Peterson and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins supported by Bartz.
Conflict of Interest: None.
Public Comment: Paul Delange representing the Alden Historical Society reviewed a list of repairs and painting needed for the Depot building. Township to acquire estimates.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Robbins, supported by Rice and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance: $521,814.04
Receipts: $29,941.31
Disbursed: $25,749.43
Balance: $521,814.04
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Bartz and motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: April 1-30: $17,076.43; and May; 1-12th; $6,690.49
Speakers: None
Communications: Hazard Mitigation Plan to be reviewed at next board meeting. Michigan Liquor Control Commission Resolutions for David Sny/Blue Bistro and Vista Ridge Vineyards, LLC were reviewed. Teague made the motion to approve the Michigan Liquor Control Commission Resolution for David Sny and the reclassification to a Class C-R with support by Robbins and the motion carried with 5 yeas and no nays.
Teague made the motion to approve the Michigan Liquor Control Commission Resolution for Vista Ridge Vineyards, LLC for the small wine maker license with support by Robbins and the motion carried with 5 yeas and no nays. `
Zoning: March report given by Guy Molby.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported that Planning Commission is reviewing zoning ordinance including exclusionary language in the South commercial district.
Ambulance Authority: Teague reported that the Authority had converted to 800 MHz to improve communications.
Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith reported that the bids have been accepted for resurfacing the tennis courts and the contractors have 60 days to complete the work. Steve Dell representing the Alden Racquet Sports Committee reported the estimated cost of $1140.00 for painting pickleball lines on the concrete basketball court at the tennis court park with posts and a net and including sealing the concrete and painting basketball free throw lines. The township is asked to pay up to $600.00. Rice made the motion to have the Township pay up to $600.00 towards this project with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Ken Masck presented the board with a resolution for matching funds with the Antrim Conservation District for a kayak launch at the ball park shore. Total cost of project is $1950.00 and 50% match is up to $975.00 for Helena Township. Teague made the motion to accept the resolution for Helena Township to agree to provide 50% of the project cost, up to a maximum of $975.00 with support from Bartz and the motion carried.
Peterson presented board with proposal to purchase 75 5”x9” loc-on floats; orange/white/orange at $10.50 per float and a 300’ reel of twisted poly for $92.00 for defining the swim area at the ballpark – 100’x100’x100’ for a total of $879.50. Rice made the motion to accept the proposal for the purchase of 75 floats and 300’ of twisted poly for $879.50 with support by Robbins and the motion carried. Bartz expressed concerns for launching kayaks in the designated swim area at the ball park.
Roads: Bartz reported that the new railing across the bridge over Spencer Creek is installed and township’s 50% share is $4.445.00. Bartz presented two estimates for road repairs; an asphalt overlay of 6,420 feet beginning at McPherson east to the township line at an estimated cost of $150,000.00. Township share is $135,000.00. Walling Road/Alden Meadows asphalt crack fill for 8,500 feet at an estimated cost of $7,500.00. The township share is $6,750.00. The township and the Alden Meadows Association will each do 50% or $3375.00 for this project. Rice made the motion to accept the estimated repair costs for Helena Road and Walling Road with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Old Business: None
New Business: Peterson presented the board with cost to replace restroom doors at the community center with push button/ADA compliant doors from Allen Supply in Traverse City for $6,910.92. Rice made the motion to accept the bid for $6,910.92 with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Announcements: Spring clean-up day for township at the Depot parking lot is June 11th.
Additional Public Comment: Steve Jones representing DABA asked about the street lights replacement and condition of sidewalks in Alden business district. Laura Westerman spoke about problems at the ball park on the evening of the fireworks.
Fireworks application for loading fireworks onto barge at the ball park to be sent to insurance carrier, Burnham and Flower. Robbins made the motion to send application with support by Bartz and the motion carried.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills; supported by Rice and motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.