HT Board Minutes 6 14 2018

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Helena Township Board Meeting – 06/14/2018

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Rick Teague,

David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, Butch Bartz and Catherine Rice. Motion to approve agenda by

Robbins w/support by Bartz and motion carried.

Conflict of interest: None

Public Comment: Laura Westerman commented on the DeWitt Marine’s application for a

special use permit for a digital sign.

Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins w/support by Bartz and motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance as of May 1, 2018: $577,976.80

Receipts: $45,469.18 Dispersed: $66,292.37 Ending balance: $557,153.61 as of 05/31/2018

Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Teague w/support by Robbins and motion carried.

Presentation of Bills: May. 1st-31st; $55,144.72 and June 1st-14th; $6,185.79

Speakers: None

Communications: Received description of the duties/roles of the Antrim County Soil and

Erosion Officer.

Zoning: No report.

Planning Commission: Discussed special use permit for digital sign for DeWitt Marine which

was recommended by the Planning Commission. DeWitt representatives and their attorney Ed

Roy provided information concerning the operation of the sign. Robbins made the motion to

approve the special use permit for DeWitt Marine’s digital sign with condition that the sign is

dimmed at the nearest hour after sunset and operated based on seasonal business hours with

support by Bartz and motion carried.

Bartz reviewed paperwork from Chad Bartz requesting name change of the applicant for a small

winemakers license to Bliss Farm’s, LLC. Motion by Rice with support by Teague for the name

change and the motion carried.

ZBA granted a side setback variance for a new 28”x28” attached garage.

ZBA members seeking training with twp.’s legal council in the future.

ZBA draft minutes will be produced and approved at the end of their meetings.

Ambulance Authority: New executive director hired.

Parks: Ruth Smith reported the five-year plan is approved and will go to the township board in

July. Received $2500.00 grant for the Coy Mtn. trail improvement project. August 25th there

will be a pickleball tournament in Alden.

Roads: Bartz reviewed Antrim County Road Commission’s estimate for the repair (1 ½” asphalt

overlay) of 5,320 feet of Helena Road from McPherson road West to Cemetery Road at a cost of

$126,000.00 for Helena Township. Total cost of project is $140,00.00. Bartz made the motion

to accept the contract for the repair of Helena Road at a cost to the township of $126,00.00

with support by Robbins and the motion carried.

Old Business: None

New Business: Peterson reviewed estimate for $1,005.33 for the repair of the cracked concrete

vestibule floor and the spalled outside concrete approach to the community center from Atlas

Revival, LLC. Rice made the motion to accept the estimate for $1,005.33 with support by

Teague and the motion carried.

Discussed Spencer Creek rain garden status.

Announcements: Township budget meeting is Tuesday, 06/19/2018 at 10:00 AM.

Township clean-up is Saturday, 06/23/208 from 8:00 Am until noon at the Depot Park parking

lot in Alden.

Additional Public Comment: None

Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills w/support by Bartz and motion


Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.

David G. Peterson Jr.