Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 05/19/2015 – approved 6-16-2015
In attendance: Steve Dell, Brad Gerlach, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford.
- Community Input: – we were notified that further information on the Lighthouse project at Alden Safe Harbor would be presented at the June P&R Meeting.
- Minutes from 04/21/2015 meeting: reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.
- Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg.: see attachment.
- Recreational Passport Grant from DNR: Actions taken to date.
Steve is waiting to receive the bids package from the project engineer. It will be distributed to P&R Committee members & HT Board members for review and comment. When the bids package meets HT Board approval it will be returned to the project engineer. It then goes to the DNR for review and hopefully final approval.
- Coy Mtn. redevelopment: Progress in completion of a survey, checking restrictions on the deed(s), promises made to DNR to get grant to purchase land: This item is being removed from the agenda as the HT Board has approved the building of a parking lot on the existing park land.
- Review map of public accesses in 5-year-plan. Discussion of possible improvements in the design, content and verbiage on Twp. Signs:
Dave continues to work on determining where signs are needed for both Parks and access sites. This includes an assessment of where there are no signs and where there may be a need for further identification of the site and increased information at the locations. Dave will look into a type of sign that can be added to the current sign post so that all information is together. He will also pursue cost estimates.
- Progress on gathering toddler play equipment info for possible grant request to GT Band:
Jan brought in some information on toddler playground equipment. Possible equipment and the best locations were discussed. There will be further work on this project. Jan is to get Steve estimates of the cost of various equipment and Steve will prepare a grant application for tribal funds to be presented at the June meeting.
- Final versions of both Application to HT for Project form and Project Application Rating form:
The revised forms were presented to the committee. Some further revisions were made and a final copy of each was approved. Steve will prepare the final versions and get them to Joyce Looman to be published on the HT website.
- Application to establish a lighthouse marker at Alden Safe Harbor.
Jack Findley, from the Alden Volunteers let me know they plan to present further information at the June meeting.
- 10. Formulate a policy for the township to follow when responding to requests from residents to place memorials in our township parks. We discussed the idea of memorials and will have further discussion at the June meeting. The plan is to try to firm up a policy and agree on verbiage during the June meeting.
- Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues:
Dave is going to contact Disability Network in Traverse City to check on ADA acceptable regulations for this project.
Doggie bags.
Dave made note of parks and access sites that do not have doggie bag disposal units. There are no units at Chapman, Crystal Springs, Lone Tree Point, and Paige Rds. There are no units at the Ball Park nor Depot Parks. Dave priced these units and they are apx. !40 each. The committee decided to request that the HT Board approve one unit each at the Depot and at Ball Park this year. The plan will be to add units yearly until all sites are supplied.
Report on assignments/research/activities since last meeting (Brad, Dave, Jan, Jim, Ken, Mike, Ruth, Steve).
Let Parks & Rec. Committee know the process and proper time to let Heidi Schaffer know that we are interested in funds to help combat invasive species.
Do an inventory at Depot Park to determine what assets exist. The plan is to discuss Depot Pk at the next meeting to determine what financial resources are needed to meet our Five Year Plan goals for the park.
– Continue work on getting quotes on prices for signage at road endings and parks. When ready send quotes to Ruth to be presented to the HT Board for approval of funding.
Will send Steve Dell some quotes or packages on potential toddler equipment for Tennis Court Park. TIME SENSITIVE
– Look into types of signage possible for Coy Mtn.
Get abstracts for Coy Mtn. and Ball Park properties, which are ready for him.
Complete May meeting minutes
Send approved April meeting minutes to Joyce Looman to be published online.
At next HT Board meeting present 1. request funding for two doggie bag stations. 2. When the quotes for sinage costs are received present them to the HT Board TO request funding.
Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
Check with Cathy Rice about what dollar amount ¼% or ½% would secure for HT Parks.
Continue as point man for working with the project engineer and the DNR to resurface tennis courts and do walkway in Tennis Court Park.
Will take the Park land deeds to Joyce Looman so that she can scan them for the HT records.
Will prepare a grant application requesting a tribal grant for toddler equipment. To be presented to the Committee in June. TIME SENSITIVE
Prepare agenda for June meeting.
- Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion). (JUNE MTG)
- Discuss the possibility of requesting a low percentage millage to help fund our Parks. (JUNE MTG)
- Report on our 5-year-plan progress for each park as follows: Ken – Coy Mountain, Jan – Depot Park – APRIL MTG , Ruth & Steve – Tennis Court Park, Dave – Ball Park, Unassigned – Community Center, Unassigned – Archie Valleau Landing, Unassigned – Alden Safe Harbor. Each person responsible for her/his park will decide on action steps to move toward the goals and objectives as stated in the 5-year-plan for each park. She/he will give a progress report at each meeting and bring any completed steps to the entire committee for approval. Steve will email a Working Document form to each member for their specific park. (bring before P&R Committee as time permits July + )
- Helena Twp. assessing park fees in parks where DNR Grants were used. If assessed, fee schedules need to be submitted to the DNR for review and approval. Proposed fee schedule (Dave). (AUG MTG)
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 3pm at Helena Township Offices
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith
Notes from HT Meeting May 14, 2015
- The Planning Commission has discussed fireworks/noise and asked the board if it would be possible to add to our HT signs something that prohibits people from using fireworks on HT property. (Not sure where that would leave road endings). There was discussion and it was thought that even if we did add this to our signs there is no way to enforce the request. One member thought that enforcing the current noise ordinance might be the best way to go.
- The board approved $3,525 for tree removal and work on the land at Coy Mt. to put a parking area on HT land. Tri County and Torch Lk. Treepro will do the work.
- There was a request brought before the board by the S. Torch Lk. Area Association to approve Fireworks to be deployed from the Ball Diamond Park on July 3rd. There was an extensive explanation concerning the event including safety and liability insurance. After discussion the HT board voted to approve issuing a permit for the event contingent upon the HT attorney finding no conflict with any deed restrictions and also a contact with the HT insurance carrier to be sure there would be adequate insurance coverage for HT.
- The Board approved a bid to work on the parking area and road to the east of the Community Center to upgrade and also to reline.
Ruth Smith