Parks and Recreation Minutes – October 20, 2015


Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 10/20/2015 – approved 11-17-2015

In attendance: Steve Dell, Brad Gerlach, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford, & Ken Masck.

    1. Community Input:  None


  • Minutes from 09/15/2015 meeting:  reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.
  • Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg.:
    After extensive public input the board approved the Safe Harbor light project.
    The board wants us to process the Juniper Club project request using the full process developed by P&R.
    An anonymous volunteer has donated enough money to purchase two more benches for the Safe Harbor. The purchase and placement of these benches will be done next year in connection with the placement of the Safe Harbor light.
     5. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR and bid received: 6. Requests for memorials issue: Will be placed on the future agenda list to be discussed in February.8. Annual review of the P&R web site:  Steve & Ruth are working on this web site review. The P&R Committee does want to have pictures on the site. Steve & Ruth will pursue this and work with Joyce Looman & COLI to get the site updated.  10. HT Master Plan: The Planning Commission is in the process of reviewing the HT Master Plan. There are some areas where the Master Plan does not support the P&R Five Year Plan. The sections of the master plan that discuss P&R were reviewed and recommendations will be made to the Planning Commission to try to line up the HT Master Plan and P&R Five Year Plan to demonstrate a shared vision.Township resident fee –           25 or fewer people = $100      over 25 people = $200
    Non township resident fee      25 or fewer people = $200      over 25 people = $300
    12 Five Year Plan:  This will be moved to the November Meeting. We will be discussing Depot Park to organize a plan for maintaining and developing this Park.

    Dave reported that he had looked at tree damage at Coy Mountain with someone from Tree Pro. There are a few trees that do need to be removed professionally. A further evaluation will be done after these identified trees are removed.  Report on assignments/research/activities since last meeting (Brad, Dave, Jan, Jim, Ken, Mike, Ruth, Steve). Contact Heidi Schaffer.  Find out how Helena Township can be included in grant funds received to help combat invasive species.Dave: Jim:  No current assignmentMike:
    No current assignment. The pursuit of abstracts for township park properties is optional.Ruth: Send approved September meeting minutes to Joyce Looman to be published online.Prepare a summary of suggested changes for Master Plan to be submitted to the Planning Commission.
    Send a letter to Juniper Garden Club letting them know to present the art work to P&R when selected.

    Work with Ruth and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information  2.  Discuss the need for rules and a process including a Memorandum of Understanding, for the Ball Park and other parks similar to the one used for Depot Park.  The committee will consider working on a process and guidelines for requests for events to take place in our parks. (Nov. 2015).4. Discuss Requests for Memorials in the Parks. (February 2016)6. Look into new sign for Coy Mountain. (April 2016)
    7. Is it possible to develop hiking / biking / cross country trails on the HT property off from McPherson Rd.?  (April 2016)
    9. Updating of P & R website (Sept. yearly – in the works now for 2015 (Sept. 2016)


  1. 8. Work on a map of existing road shoulders and shoulders we would like widened for greater safety for bikes. (May 2016)
  2. 5. Parks and Rec. Budget to be done by April 2016 – look at HT Master Plan for guidelines. (Jan.) We will be able to remove this item if the requirement is removed from the Master plan.
  3. 3. Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues. (Nov. 2015)
  4. 1. Work on prioritizing projects in our parks / look at funding needed. (Nov.2015)
  6. Prepare agenda for November meeting.
  7. Steve:
    Continue as point man for working with the project engineer and the DNR to resurface tennis courts and do walkway in Tennis Court Park.
  8. Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
  9. Complete October meeting minutes.
  11. Ken:
  12. No current assignment
  13. Jan:
    Will contact Mike Crawford and work with him to evaluate the safety of the ‘Southern’ steps at Depot Park.

  14. Continue work on getting quotes on prices for signage at road endings and parks. When ready send quotes to Ruth to be presented to the HT Board for approval of funding.
  16. Brad:
  18. Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 10/20/2015 continued – approved 11-17-2015
  19. 13.  Pickle Ball in the gym: Dave reports that permission has been given to a group to use the gym at the Community Center to play pickle ball. They have their own net and will work with Mike Crawford to decide how the lines they will be putting down need to be handled. The possibility of P&R equipment (net, paddles and balls) being made available to groups was discussed.  A donor for this equipment will be pursued. The fee for renting the gym for this type of event is $12 per hour. Scheduling for use of the gym is done through Dave Peterson.
  20. 11. HT assessing park fees in parks where DNR grants were used: The proposed plan that will be presented to the DNR is the same fee schedule now being used at The Community Center.
    There needs to be a signed contract. The residence of the person signing the contact decides if the rental in for a HT resident or non – resident. If alcohol is part of the event there is the need for proof that there is a $1,000,000. Liability insurance policy covering the event.  Nonprofits will be allowed one free use per year.
    There is a $100 deposit required for all rentals. If there is no unusual wear or damage the deposit is returned.
  22. 9. Juniper Garden Club / sculptures at Depot Park:  The HT Board is requesting that we complete the full process to review this project. As all P&R members are in support of the project the preliminary approval paperwork has been sent to HT. However, we are being asked to have the Juniper Club present the art work to the P&R Committee. A letter will be sent to them to let them know the project is on hold until they present the final art work to P&R for review and hopefully final approval. If approval is given for the art work presented we will recommend the HT Board review the project and approve the work.
  23. 7. New sign for Coy Mountain: This will be moved to the future agenda list to be discussed in April, 2016.
  24. Our project engineer at Gordie Frasier will be rebidding the needed work for tennis court resurfacing and a new walkway in the spring. I  believe the intent is to include in the wording of the bid package that bids need to be under a certain amount to be considered.
  25. 4. P&R budget:   There was agreement that there seems no advantage of doing a formal budget as we have no specific HT funds designated for P&R. We will be suggesting to the Planning Commission that this requirement be removed from the Master Plan.

  1. Handicap parking in HT (discussion) to be discussed when each Park is evaluated.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 – 3pm at Helena Township Offices
respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith