Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 7/06/2022 Approved 8, 3 2022
In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder.
Absent: Brian Apley
Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples
1. Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm
2. The meeting minutes from 06/01/2022 were corrected & approved & will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from the June HT Board Meetings: The 7-16-’22 date for the Celebration of Coy was mentioned. Parks and Recreation requested that $10,000. Be allotted to the P& R budget for the next fiscal year. It is expected that there will be a more detailed request with specific needs mentioned in 2023 when the Capital Improvement Plan will, hopefully, be in place. It was mentioned that many P&R members had noticed that toddlers were using and enjoying their new playground equipment.
4. No public comment.
5. Soil Erosion at the Ball Diamond Park. Butch is pursuing possible funding for work needed for erosion control. No new information. Also note agenda item 9.
6.Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Brian has worked on an excel data base for P&R to use when reporting on what is in the park. This includes what condition the item is in, when it should probably be repaired / replaced and the potential costs. P&R members were to give Brian information on parks to which they had previously been assigned. The Tennis court, Archie Valleau Landing, and Dock area need to be assigned a new contact person.
Steve has numbered most of the tables and benches at Tennis Ct. Pk. He will continue to work with Butch Peeples on this project as Butch is power washing and having tables & benches painted.
Barry will buy security screws for putting the remaining number tags on tables, benches, etc.
7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on the Coy Mtn. Trail redo and a celebration of the completion of the trail update project, the purchase of additional land and a thank you to all who have worked on the Coy Mountain project over the years will be held Sat., July 16th at 10 am.
Jan has put a lot of time and energy into this project and we are anticipating a fun time.
8. Update on Federal Covid rescue money coming to HT.
The township has received $103,000 from the state. The township wants to look into the possibility of other monies that might be available, such as possible grants, before making a decision on how to spend this revenue. This will be removed from the August minutes as the township board has not asked for any P&R input on this issue.
9. Barry Snyder is going to provide a site plan showing the committee’s vision for the park (see June minutes). There will be further discussion on Ball Park plans after Barry shares this site plan.
This item will remain on the agenda for August.
10. Bonnie presented a survey that the planning committee will be sending out to Helena Township constituents. She is asking that committee members review it and give her any helpful input.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 07/11/2022