Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 03/04/2020 Approved 6-3-2020 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Ruth Smith, Barry Snyder & Laura Westerman Absent: Bonnie Robbins 1. Meeting called to order. There was no public input. 2. The meeting minutes from 02/05/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website. 3. From HT February Meeting: The board agreed with our decision to not pursue a DNR Trust Fund grant for land acquisition on Coy Mt. at this time. The HT Board approved a policy that allows no hunting on township property. Part of S Torch Lk Dr. and Helena Rd will be paved this year. OLD BUSINESS
- Soil erosion at the Ball Park. Barry Snyder agreed to pursue getting estimates of costs for the shoreline stabilization project. Heidi Shaffer has provided a list of local service providers. Heidi Shaffer has submitted the shoreline stabilization permit for HT. Ruth will follow up with Heidi about contacting EGLE to see what might be involved with moving dirt from the RR grade to the ditch to the east.
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Waiting for software to be delivered in June. To be left on agenda.
- Parking Issues at Safe Harbor: Barry is waiting to hear back from Burt Thompson, Antrim Co. Road Commission Engineer/Manager, concerning parking at Safe Harbor.
- Signage for Coy Mountain Preserve. Steve Lagerquist reports that Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC) staff will begin working on signage for Coy Mt. next week. Ruth and Jan will pursue obtaining a picture of Rueben Coy if possible.
When finished they will present their ideas to Helena Township for input. We have reported the new no hunting on township property policy to GTRLC. NEW BUSINESS:
- Policy to protect what we have in our parks. (Jan). After discussing this issue it was decided that P&R needs to put a monetary value on ‘anything of value’ in the parks. This is to be included in the Capital Improvement Plan for each township property.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 03/05/2020