Parks & Rec Minutes Nov 4, 2020

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 11/04/2020                  Approved 02-03-2021 In attendance: Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Absent: Steve Dell & Bonnie Robbins Non-members in attendance: Laura Westerman (who has resigned from the committee). 1. Meeting called to order at 7:15 pm


  1. The meeting minutes from 10/07/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website. 
  2. From HT October Township Board Meeting. Nothing to be reported. 4. Public Input: See agenda item # 14


  1. Soil Erosion at Ball Park. The Site Plan map is not yet ready. This item will be moved to the January 2021 meeting. The Committee agrees that it would be a good idea to have the concession stand removed. 6. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This will be further discussed in January 2021. Steve continues to investigate the cost of replacement tables and benches. 

7 Tri-fold brochures to help people know about our parks and community events. Move this item to Future Agenda items with a March agenda date. 8. The HT Board agreed to allow PB in the Community Center.   The Township will decide on the rules and do the scheduling. 9. ARSC did receive a grant from Sunrise Rotary in TC for one piece of toddler equipment. This will be purchased when the check comes and the plan is to install next Spring.



  1. Steve will continue working on getting a picture of the new Kiosk signage to Bonnie for publication on the website.


  1. At their November meeting Jim Gurr will give a report to the HT Board on the Status of the Coy Mountain Reserve. This is a requirement outlined in the Coy Mountain Forestry Management Policy. 12. Concrete work at Depot Park has been completed in front of the museum. It also gives better access to the Veteran’s Memorial. Jan plans to try to have all groups using and helping at Depot Park to come together for a Spring Meeting. She will be pulling people together to think about what needs to be done at the Depot and who will do what.
  2. Laura Westerman has resigned from the Parks and Recreation Committee. Thanks for all your time and energy working on the P&R Committee Laura.
  3. A citizen has inquired as to making the sign at the S. Lake Street access more visible. It could be moved in front of the large tree it is now behind or perhaps clearing away the brush around it would make it visible.
  4. Todd Vigland from Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy updated us concerning the acquisition of the Johnson and Logee properties at Coy Mt. They are prepared to purchase the land but need an environmental assessment. Steve will work with the Township on obtaining this or the alternate method presented.

There is no scheduled meeting for December 2020. The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 11/07/2020