Parks & Recreation Minutes – Jan 3, 2018

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for January 3, 2018 Approved 2-7-2018

In attendance: Steve Dell Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins

Absent: Jan Loveland, Jeanne Peeples, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman

Note: Because of a lack of a quorum, we held an abbreviated meeting.

1. Community Input None

2. Minutes from the 11/01/2017 meeting. Bonnie moved to approve, 2nd by Steve, motion carried.

3. Time frames for completion of our 5 year plan were revised as follows:

Sept-March: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan”

April: Consider approval of plan at regular P&R meeting and at same meeting get public

input on the plan. If revisions are needed, schedule a special meeting to approve

the plan once it is completed.

April: Present completed plan to HT Board for review and approval.

May: Submit approved plan to DNR

4. After some discussion the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Dell
