Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/05/2017 approved 08/02/2017
In attendance: Mike Crawford, Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Jeanne Peeples & Bonnie Robbins Community members present: John Ferguson & Laura Westerman.
1. Community Input. John Ferguson gave some historical background on the land next to Safe Harbor which is owned by the Alden State Bank. At one time the possibility of acquiring the bank’s lake front property through a DNR grant was discussed. At that time a price of 1 ½ million dollars was given. The idea was to have boats drive in to the Franklin St. road ending and cut across the “bank” land to the launch site to put in and take out boats. They would then drive out the current road to exit. Further discussion of this idea is slated for the September agenda.
2. Minutes from the 05/17/2017 meeting were reviewed & approved & will be published online. 3. Information from the Helena Twp. Meeting Deana Jerdee, E.D. of Paddle Antrim spoke to the HT board about the Chain of Lakes Water Trail. There is a water trail plan and the board signed a MOU concerning the fact that several of our road endings are published as rest areas on the trail. The ball park was added to the list. Rick reported that the township attorney feels that if a person receives anything in return (such as a plate on a memorial plaque) the money they donated to the township for memorial purposes would not be tax exempt The need for an electric pole at the ball diamond was discussed. Jim Gurr clarified that an electric stanchion box (such as at N. Lake St.) is suggested if the concessions building is removed.
OLD BUSINESS: 4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR when the township has the cancelled check Steve will work with Dave Peterson to submit the final grant “billing” to the DNR. The project engineer, Kyle K., is now checking into why the warranty repair work has not been completed on the tennis courts.
5. GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mt. Preserve Todd Vigland of the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC) has presented a draft project agreement for GTRLC and HT to work together at Coy Mt. Preserve. Todd was contacted and was not able to furnish the needed budget for the July meeting. He will attempt to get the budget to us in time for the Aug. meeting. Moved to the Aug. agenda. 6. Helena Township (HT) and Alden Volunteers (AV) working together on projects. Two projects that are the best fit for AV: 1. stopping the erosion at Ball diamond park. 2. Improvements at Coy Mountain Next actions concerning this: A. Ruth will talk with Rick Teague about HT supporting the projects AV agrees to support. B. Ruth will report to the P&R committee concerning this conversation. C. P&R to decide what, if anything, to present to the HT board. 2
Pk & Rec. Committee Minutes for 07/05/2017 continued approved 08/02/2017
7. Erosion Abatement Project at Ball Park. Elmer’s gave us a bid estimate. Mike will continue to try to obtain other estimates and will report at the August meeting.
8 HT Parks Community Survey. Steve has completed the Monkey Survey which is now active online. Bonnie supervised completion of the post card & mailing with committee help to address & stamp. Jan completed information for a newspaper article which was sent to the Antrim Review, The Elk Rapids News, and The Voice. The Committee will review as much of the survey results as possible at the August meeting. The hope is to hold a public meeting to review the results and take additional comment Aug. 21, 2017.
9. Revision of our five-year-plan. Tentative Time Frames:
July 1 – July 31: Monkey Survey to get public input. The Monkey Survey has been activated on line and notice has been sent to HT property owners. Newspaper articles have been published, flyers ?
August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension will help.
Meet with other groups (DABA, AV, etc.) to discuss results and get input.
Sept – October: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan”
November: Consider approval of plan at regular P&R meeting and at same meeting get public
Input on the plan.
March 1: Submit plan to DNR prior to this date.
NEW BUSINESS: 10. Accessibility assessment at the Ball Park. Steve has contacted Jim Moore from Disability Network and they will be arranging a date to review the site. Steve will report back to the Committee in Aug.
11. Copy of HT Park Surveys to go into Resource book. This is being moved to the Sept. agenda.
12. Proof Valley St. Road End was accepted by Twp. We have a copy of the meeting minutes where the Rd. Commission ‘transferred’ the Valley St. road ending to Helena Twn. Dave Peterson reported that Helena Township does not need any action in order to accept this jurisdiction. The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017– 7pm Meeting room at the Community Bldg… Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 07/07/2017