Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
August 13, 2020
Meeting called to order by Gurr at 3:10 P.M.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Jim Gurr Laura Westerman
Joe Bassil Gordy Schafer
Bonnie Robbins
Absent: Mike Robinson (Scheduling conflict with work hours)
Sue Moglovkin (Scheduling conflict with work hours)
Township officials present: Bob Logee
Approval of Agenda: Add Meeting Time Discussion under Old Business. Motion: Robbins, 2nd Bassil. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: June 4, 2020 and July 9, 2020 As submitted. Motion: Bassil, 2nd Schafer. Carried.
Public Comment: None (0)
Communications: Bassil asked about election. Results shared with explanation of how cross voted absentee ballots are counted by the tabulating software.
New Business: Logee presented a report showing all permits since January 2020.
July 2020: LU 3, FC 5, AC 0, PC 6, ZV 0
Old Business: Points of Discussion for Zoning Ordinance language change
5.07.04.J Strike last sentence. Motion: Robbins; 2nd: Westerman. Carried
Discussion to have Robbins research old ordinances to determine if language was in place prior to 2010 addressing special exceptions.
Members in agreement to hold public hearing at October meeting on changes covered by planning commission to establish a 2020 review as required by state statute. Commission will continue to address changes as needed.
Discussions tabled for further review include mining and gravel operations, non-conventional structures used as accessory structures, private parks, camping, expiration of commercial use permits when business closes, fence language/state statute on fence height.
Meeting time was discussed and will remain the 1st Thursday at 3 pm for the September meeting.
Public Comment: No further comments.
Adjourn: 4:27 pm Motion Bassil, 2nd Schafer. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary