Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
August 7, 2013
Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:04 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Bob Johnson Mike Robinson
Chris Dewald Bonnie Robbins
Absent: None
Township officials present: Guy Molby, David Peterson
Approval of Agenda: Add Commercial Use of Township Property to New Business. Motion: Gurr, 2nd Johnson. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: Minutes (June 2013) approved as submitted. Motion: Gurr, 2nd Swan. Carried No meeting in July.
Public Comment: None 11 in attendance.
Communications: None
New Business:
ZA report
June: 1land use, 6 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 10 other public contacts,
- violations
July: 3 land use, 15 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 24 other public contacts,
- violations
Seeing some new home construction.
Walker Shores Presentation: No representatives present. Discussion among Molby, PC members about what has been changed since the 2008 presentation. Molby is waiting for paperwork to schedule a public hearing, possibly next month (September). The Commission members working with Molby are Johnson and Gurr. Molby stated they have moved the drain field to the east side of East Torch Lake Drive. This has DEQ (Health Department) approval. They reduced the footprint to 12 lots. Removed one access road coming out of the development. Stormwater run off control has DEQ (Soil and Erosion) approval. Each site will have an individual septic but will share a drainfield where the community septic was planned on the previous application. This storage will be underground and will pump to the east storage when full. The new plan allows for four bedroom homes.
Discussion from audience: Peterson: Do we have a new site plan? Molby: not yet. Gurr: They understand they are starting from scratch with this development application. Swan: Will permits be in place at the presentation to the Commission? Mobly: Yes
General public concern that they should know what is being considered and what Planning Commission is approving. Process for site plan review and public input was explained. Project will not be approved until a public hearing has been made and the commission refers it to the board of trustees for approval.
Discussion with Molby about why the developer was not present.
Dewald commented this development and approval wont happen in 30-60 days. Process will take longer.
Planning Commission will schedule public hearing according to legal requirements and make public aware of the meeting.
Commercial Use of Township property:
Discussion of business using public access to launch watercraft rentals. This may require ordinance such as the mooring ordinance. Question how an ordinance might affect other activities in the township. No decision made on writing an ordinance at this time.
Old Business: Fireworks ordinance: Swan reported no townships are enforcing a fireworks ordinance. Sheriff will respond to complaints on an individual basis. Townships waiting to learn what state will do with legislation to regulate this better.
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Dewald. Carried 7:45 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary