Planning Commission Minutes – August 8, 2015

Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

August 8, 2015

Gurr called meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:                      Present:            Jim Gurr                  Bob Johnson

Ken Renaud            Mike Robinson (7:08)

Bonnie Robbins      Chris Dewald

Absent:             Rodger Dewey

Township officials present:                    Guy Molby

Approval of Agenda:  Motion:  Johnson, 2nd Renaud, approved with addition of Septic Inspection under Old Business and notation of Public Hearing under New Business

Statement of Conflict of Interest:  None           

Approval of Minutes:  As submitted.  Motion:  Johnson, 2nd Renaud. One correction on change under Communications

One member abstained, motion carried

Public Comment:         4 present.  Discussion of why septic inspection was not going to be addressed.  Thayer Lake Association representative was encouraged to continue education of land owners and residents about septic systems and how they work.  Explanation that township feels inspection decision should be done at the county level or through the realtors selling the properties.

Communications:         None.

Old Business: 

Septic Inspection:         Discussion handled during public comment.  No additional discussion.

Master Plan Review:      Tabled for next meeting

Fine Language:             Tabled for next meeting.


New Business:

ZA report

Jully 2015:  Land Use 6, Field Checks 14 , Attorney Contacts 0 , Public Contacts 18 ,  Zoning Violations 0


Meeting closed at 7:20 p.m. for Public Hearing

Winery request to allow purchase of juice from other producers while they are waiting for their vines to start producing.

Discussion among members as to the need for a special use permit.  Clarification that because the applicant will need to purchase product the process does not fall under the Right to Farm Act.

Molby stated 6 notifications were sent to surrounding property owners.  3 returned including a request that one be read at the meeting.  Robbins read the letter stating support and outlining measures taken by the applicant to provide screening and address any runoff or other issues created by this business.  All letters returned were in support of the application.  Previous property owner spoke of applicants work and his support of this application.

Based on Findings of Fact as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance, this application meets the requirements and is recommended for approval by the Helena Township Board of Trustees.  Motion by Robbins, 2nd by Johnson.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

Public Hearing closed at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting reopened.

Public Comment:  none


Adjourn:   Motion Johnson, 2nd   Dewald. Carried



Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins

Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary