Planning Commission Minutes – February 03, 2010
Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
February 03, 2010
Meeting called to order by Chair Jim Swan 7:10 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Chris Dewald Rodger Dewey
Bonnie Robbins Joe Bassil
Absent: Doug Fadely Sue Moglovkin
Bob Johnson
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Approved. Motion Dewald, 2nd Gurr, Carried (6,0)
Approval of Minutes: Call for vote on minute approval from December 2009 minutes. Approved as submitted. Vote (5,0) January 06, 2010 approved as submitted. (6,0) Motion Dewald, 2nd Gurr, (6.0)
Public Comment: 2 in attendance. Dave Peterson volunteered services to research and build draft of ordinance language to address ORV use on streets within the village zones. HT Board asked Peterson to submit document to the planning commission for review and discussion. Molby suggests discussing with the Antrim County Sheriff on enforcement of any Township ORV ordinance. Molby discussed need for language to address safety of offender group homes. Bordering townships are facing issue and wants to be sure our ordinance protects residents as allowed by code. PC members requests guidelines from the Township attorney before drafting any language. Gurr will relay request to Township Board.
Communications: Michigan Association of Planning training brochures. Members should contact Twp. Supervisor to register.
New Business:
Gurr: Dave Peterson has been appointed as Township Clerk as of February 14, 2010. Position will be on the primary ballot and voted on in November for remainder of former clerk’s term.
ZA Written Report
Jan 2010– 0 Land Use Permits, 6 Field Checks, 4 Attorney Contact, 7 Other Contacts.
Old Business:
Special Use Permit: Nothing done yet.
Wind Tower Discussion: Comparison of several township ordinances. Members will research surrounding township’s ordinances and assemble ordinance language for Helena Township. Clarify language to direct applicants to meet with Zoning Administrator with site plan. Dewey questioned if state will override as with oil and gas exploration. Robbins will arrange for laptop and projector to work on draft document at next meeting.
Definitions and Standards: Tabled for next meeting.
Discussion of Special Use Permit process and adding language to permit process clarifying permit is not transferable with business. Request from Molby to identify when permit is required and what is permitted by right.
Public Comment:
Adjourn: Motion Robbins, 2nd Gurr. Carried (6,0)
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary