Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
February 6, 2015
Special Meeting
Meeting called to order by Gurr (9:00am)
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Bonnie Robbins
Chris Dewald Ken Renaud
Absent: Mike Robinson Rodger Dewey
Bob Johnson
Township officials present: Guy Molby, David Peterson
Approval of Agenda: Add approval of November and December 2014 meeting minutes after the Walker Shores discussion. Motion: Robbins, 2nd Renaud. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: (10 in attendance) None
Communications: information pertaining to Walker Shores discussed during continued review.
Regular meeting closed at 9:06 a.m. Public Hearing for Walker Shores Development reopened for further public comment.
No further comment submitted. Public Hearing closed at 9:08 a.m.
Old Business: Walker Shores Development Discussion
Molby offered comment on mailings and responses. 13 notifications mailed. 5 returned.
Additional correspondence added to record with citizen concern about wetlands located on the development site.
Redman discussed the memorandum dated November 6, 2015, addressing township legal counsels review of the documents submitted by Walker Shores.
-Question of lot size on Units 7 & 8. Unsure if these meet minimum lot size. Boozer will verify but is certain all lots meet or exceed minimum size requirement.
-Review of By Laws will be discussed with Bozzer. Bozzer stated updated Bylaws have not been recorded. Bozzer will address this before the next meeting. Redman recommends ordinance restrictions that may affect common elements or are applicable to all lots, be addressed in the Condominium Documents now, as they will not be addressed in review of the individual lots when developed.
-Discussion of townships liability in event of septic system failure and recommendation of conditions to include in approval that would address this concern. Township could include inspection by the township. This is a right of the township but not a duty.
Review from Lapham discussed.
-Concern of addressing runoff from surrounding parcels at the drainfield. Construction should address diverting runoff. Concern noted by Development representatives..
-Two lots have to cross retention basin or wetland area to connect to drainfield. . Discussion that this will be addressed by the permitting agencies during approval of individual site applications.
-Road leading to drainfield not identified on plan. Discussion that road is there and will be clearly identified when construction begins.
-No easement or shoulder on roads in the development, sharp curve at the bottom of one hill, steep grades. Developer may or may not wish to address this. Township does not have standards that would require changes.
-Utility depts. In detention area should be addressed in the plans.
-Approval should be subject to final approval of the waste water treatment system my MDEQ and the local health department.
Question from public: Does zoning administrator go over the Master Deed and By Laws with each individual application? Molby stated he does and most contractors check with his office before beginning work.
Comment from public concerning 2011 DEQ permit. Permit is for 13 units not 12. Bozzer stated it has been changed and is still enforced since the number of units is less.
Wastewater system is still not approved. Discussion from Redman and Bozzer that they anticipate it will receive approval.
Concern fencing protecting wetlands during initial development will be removed and potential buyers may encroach on the wetlands when they build. Suggest including language requiring fencing remain in place until house is constructed. Bozzer stated the fences will remain and are typically required during the development process.
Continued discussion among planning commission members about items noted and next step in the application process. Consensus that final vote be held during the March 4, 2015 planning commission meeting. Redman will update information based on this meeting and send final recommendations for review.
Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2014 as submitted. Motion: Renaud., 2nd Robbins. Carried
December 3, 2014, one name spelling change. Motion: Robbins, 2nd Renaud. Carried
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: Motion Renaud, 2nd Dewald. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary