Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
July 06, 2011
Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:00 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Bob Johnson Rodger Dewey
Chris Dewald
Absent: Bonnie Robbins Mike Robinson
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (5,0)
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: Minutes not available, tabled to next meeting
Public Comment: 0 present
Old Business: Zoning ordinance review:
Temporary Trailers & Recreational Vehicles Allowed in all districts. Seasonal use. Not longer than 30 days in residential districts. Must be sanitary, movable, & legally registered. Suggested language: Travel trailers or Recreational Vehicles may be used in all zones on a temporary basis provided such Travel Trailer or Recreational Vehicle is maintained in a sanitary, movable, and legally registered condition.
Sexually Oriented Businesses: No discussion.
Medical Marihuana: Request Bzdok craft language addressing dispensaries as being desirable only outside the existing commercial districts.
Ag/Rural Residential District:
Consist of two zones. Current Ag would become Rural Residential except for properties being used for generally accepted agricultural purposes which will remain zoned as Ag.
Discussion of allowing temporary structures in side yard setback. Will review further when language change received from Bzdok.
New Business: ZA report ___ land use, ___ field checks, ___ attorney contact, ___ other public contacts, ___violations
Discussion of timeframe for ordinance changes. Notice to be placed in newspaper by July 8. Additional meeting to finalized work July 20. Public Hearing August 3 at regular planning commission meeting. Members will need new copies of proposed ordinance with all changes (prefer unhighlighted/markups noted) for July 20 meetings. Copies to be placed in township library, township office, and updated on web.
Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (4,0) 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary