Planning Commission Minutes June 8, 2021

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Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

June 8, 2021

Meeting called to order by Gurr at 7:05 P.M.

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

            Present:            Jim Gurr                        Laura Westerman          

                                    Bonnie Robbins             Gordy Schafer

                                    Sue Moglovkin


            Absent:           Joe Bassil         Mike Robinson                                                

Township officials present: Bob Logee,

Approval of Agenda:   Motion: Schafer, 2nd Robbins. Carried

Statement of Conflict of Interest:          None

Public Comment:         3 in attendance.

Approval of Minutes: As submitted. Motion: Moglovkin, 2nd Schafer. Carried

Communications:         Discussion of some training event mailings but possible on-site, more local would be more beneficial and easier to attend as a group.

Meeting closed for public hearing. 7:14 PM

                                    Chairmain Gurr asked applicant if they would like to speak on their project. The business owner would like to offer area artisans a venue similar to booths they held at the farmer’s markets and craft shows. The lot used would be opposite the pavilion area at the Tennis Court Park. Hours of operation would be from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. every other Saturday starting as soon as possible. The goal is to offer more product made in the area, give artisans a marketplace and help attract shoppers to Alden.

Logee mailed 4 notices. _1____ Returned ( 1 ) In Favor ( ) Opposed (   ) No Preference

                                    The commission considered language from multiple sections of code to determine if conditions were met for the special use permit application before proceeding. This involved lengthy discussion among members. Applicant commented they would withdraw if the process was so complicated. Gurr explained the need for the commission to be diligent in addressing the different areas of the ordinance so the final decision is based from ordinance language. With completion of ordinance discussion the commission moved on to asking the specific questions that determine a yes or no vote on a special use permit.

Based on a finding of fact from section 6.03.01 motion to approve sending this application to the township board of trustees with support for approval was made by Robbins and supported by Moglovkin.   Motion carried. Robbins will present recommendation to the township board June10, 7PM at their regular meeting.

Public hearing closed 8:45 PM

Regular meeting reopened 8:46 PM       

New Business:             Discussion with Dan Rogalny of Twin Bay British Car Club. They requested use of the Tennis Court Park pavilion and lawn to allow a single food truck during their annual event. Robbins questioned if the planning commission is the right table for permitting use of township parks. Consensus to refer this to the township board for determining what paperwork is needed if this is approved under rental of a township park. Next board meeting is Thursday the 10 at 7:00 p.m.. Dan will attend to help answer any questions.

June 2021:                    LU 4, 6 FC , 0 AC ,7 PC , ZV 0

Robbins discussed creating a summary of ordinance surrounding the most recent applications and asking local business owners to review and offer suggestions. Gurr recommended we do it in a format to assist with review of the township master plan. Robbins will create a draft for review at a future meeting before distribution.

Old Business:              Tabled.

                                    Robbins to update list.

Public Comment:         None

Adjourn: 9:22 P.M. Motion Robbins, 2nd Moglovkin. Carried


Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins                        Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary