Planning Commission Minutes – June 9, 2014

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Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

June 9, 2014

Regular Meeting (Rescheduled)


Meeting called to order by Swan (7:05pm)

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:                      Present:            Jim Swan                Jim Gurr

Chris Dewald           Bonnie Robbins

Bob Johnson          Mike Robinson

Rodger Dewey

Absent:             None


Township officials present:                    Guy Molby              David Peterson


Approval of Agenda:  As submitted.  Motion: Swan, 2nd Dewald.  Carried

Statement of Conflict of Interest:          None

Approval of Minutes:  As submitted.  Motion: Swan, 2nd Robbins.  Carried

Public Comment:         (7 in attendance) None

Communications:  None


Old Business:   Walker Shores Development:  Swan reported site plan committee reviewed attorney’s concerns.                                      Applicant can begin seeking state approval.  Still several things to be corrected.

Dewey commented that the applicant attorney and engineer indicated they were not informed of some of                                     the requests.  Dewey felt the meeting should have been postponed and communication with the applicant                       needs improvement.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 14th at 5:30 p.m.


New Business:

Regular meeting closed at 7:16 for Public Hearing

Application for Firework Sales presented by Molby.  Applicant not in attendance.  Dewey asked if the application fee had been paid.  Molby stated applicants have paid the day of the hearing in the past and he expected the applicant to attend tonight’s meeting.  Fees have not been paid.

Molby called applicant and applicant withdrew his request.  He will apply earlier next year.

Regular meeting reopened at 7:27 p.m.


Consensus that without payment it is not a complete application and should not be scheduled for Public Hearing until payment has been received by the zoning administrator.


ZA report

May 2014:  Land Use  3 , Field Checks 7 , Attorney Contacts 0 , Public Contacts 10 ,  Zoning Violations 0


Robbins reported that Kate Redman had been asked to review language and suggest how to handle zoning violations.  Dewey suggests we file lien with the register of deeds and refuse any further permits until the violation is corrected.

Violation concerns will be added to the list of  topics to be discussed during review of the zoning ordinance.

Public Comment:

                        Peterson clarified that the developer and legal counsel for Walker Shores had been notified of all documents and material needed for the site plan meeting almost two months ago.  Discussion that the Walker representatives had rescheduled several times prior to today’s meeting due to not having paperwork and permits available.  The township followed the timeframe and guidelines as established for site plan review.

Peterson commented on a DEQ permit to install a seawall.  Work done does not follow the permitted plan.  Peterson will follow up with DEQ.

Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Dewald. Carried


Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins

Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary