Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
October 3, 2019
Meeting called to order by Gurr at 3:03 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Jim Gurr Laura Westerman
Mike Robinson Gordy Schafer
Bonnie Robbins
Absent: Joe Bassil None
Township officials present: Bob Logee
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Schafer. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Schafer. Carried
Public Comment: None
Communications: None
New Business: August 2019: LU 4 ; FC 4 ; AC 0 ; PC 8 ; ZV 0
September 2019: LU 8 ; FC 10 ; AC 1 ; PC 14 ; ZV 3
Logee discussed an addition to an accessory structure concerning setbacks. He will share commissioner comments with owner and see if variance is needed.
ZBA meeting on the 16th to address variance for land split.
Logee requested we add discussion of changes to preexisting non-conforming use or structures to our points of discussion. Guidelines on what is permitted for future use or expansion.
Old Business: Ordinance Language Change
Discussion of conflicting language in ordinance and need for change. This conflict is subject for variance request to be addressed at October 16th ZBA meeting. Conflict concerns map and map section definitions. Planning commission determined re-zoning would be consistent with current use of properties affected and remain consistent with township master plan.
Motion to re-zone east side of SE Torch Lake Drive from Village District limit south to Commercial District limit. The re-zoning will change from Agriculture to R-1 and will be to a depth of 300′ from center line of roadway. Motion: Schafer; 2nd Robinson. Carried
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: 3:53 p.m. Motion: Schafer, 2nd Robinson. Carried
Respectfully submitted;
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary