Helena Township Board Meeting
December 8, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda by Teague and support by Gurr, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Approval of minutes: Gurr made motion to approve the minutes with support by Teague and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of November 1st, 2011 $50,280.45
Receipts $1,141.26
Disbursements $11,711.08
Bank balance as of 11/30/2011 $39,710.63
Two CD’s; $48,258.93 and $15,718.44
As of 11/30/2011, 2011 Total Assets $103,688.00
Township beginning balance as November 1st, 2011 $178,252.68
Receipts $46,118.40
General Fund Disbursements $19,904.09
Cemetery & Bldg. $4,845.28
Total Disbursements $24,749.37
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of November 30th, 2011 $199,621.71
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support by Gurr; motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: November 1-30, 2011: $14,635.40 and December1-8, 2011: $2,746.00.
Speakers: Heidi Shaffer gave a power point presentation on storm water and spoke on the Antrim County Storm Water Control Ordinance. Information to be passed on to the planning commission for review.
Communications: Sheriff’s report reviewed.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report
Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the public hearing for review of the zoning ordinance is scheduled for Jan. 4th, 2012.
Ambulance authority: Teague reported that the old ambulance being replaced will go to the South Torch Lake Fire Department.
Parks & Recreation: Peterson reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee was reviewing the survey results.
Old business: None
New Business: Jeff McCray from Burnham and Flower Insurance Group presented board with the additional costs for increasing liability coverage for the township’s insurance policy. Wagner made the motion to accept program coverage options: A, C, E, H, J, and K with the total amount for the insurance policy for 2012 of $21,269.00 with support by Peterson and motion carried. Teague made motion to opt out of terrorism option coverage with support by Gurr and motion carried.
Prioritizing road projects for 2012 to be discussed in the next board meeting in January.
Bids for replacing the carpeting in the voter room with CVT (composite vinyl tile) and placing carpeting in the assessor and zoning administrator’s offices were opened and discussed. Wagner made the motion to accept the bid from Stone Mountain for $3795.00 with support by Teague and motion carried.
Request for new door to assessor’s office was discussed. Wagner made motion to replace door to assessor’s office with support by Gurr and motion carried.
Teague requested the board to act on having some of the new docks moved for the winter months for protection from possible ice damage. Wagner to call Floatation Docks to hire them to do the moving.
Wagner read request from the Juniper Club for placing a flower box underneath the official Depot sign at the Depot. The request is denied because of the limitations placed on the sign by the State of Michigan.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Paul Sak presented information on the fish habitat project for the Elk River Chain of Lakes. There are 35 fish shelters proposed for Torch lake. Possible sites where Helena Township is a riparian landowner and road end public accesses was discussed. More information to follow.
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support by Rice, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:17 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.