Township Board Minutes – July 11th, 2013

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Helena Township Board Meeting

July 11th, 2013


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins. Absent; Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda with additions by Robbins, support by Rice and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment: Colleen Richmond from the Mill House commented on trash collection downtown Alden where township historically has had trash receptacles and the continued need for emptying those receptacles by the township.

  • Jack Findlay commented on the proposed veteran’s memorial at the Depot Park and the presentation of the site plan and the memorandum of understanding at the next Parks and recreation meeting on the 16th of July.
  • Barb Lockery commented on the need for mowing several of the road end public accesses and the cemetery. Lockery also pointed out that there are no swim buoys at the Depot Park.
  • Jim Swain commented on fireworks being used on Fowler lane and the possibility of regulating the time and days those fireworks could be used.
  • Jim Gurr commented on policing powers over township properties.
  • Becky Norris from TLA commented on the herbicide application for the Eurasian milfoil in the Alden Safe Harbor on June 18th. The second application of the herbicide will be on Tuesday the 30th.

Approval of minutes: Rice made the motion to approve the minutes as presented with support by Robbins and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Township: Beginning balance as of June 1, 2013            $378,263.96

                                                       Receipts                                                             $23,545.02

                                                         Disbursements                                                 $21,504.09

                                                        Bank balance 5/31/13                                       $380,304.89

                                                         Road CD                                                           $70,000.00

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Robbins, supported by Teague and motion carried.

Presentation of bills: June 1-30, 2013 – $12,202.96 and July7 1-11, 2013 – $7,439.88                                    

Speakers: None

Communications: None

Committee reports: Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for June and informed the board that there is no zoning violation on Fowler Lane with respect to the dispute over a dock and a neighbor’s property line.

  • Robbins reported that the Planning Commission did not meet in July.
  • Ruth Smith reported that the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is complete and available on line and in the library. On July 16th there will be a public hearing for the master plan at the community center.
  • Carolyn Robbins reported that the road committee had just received the new estimates for the maintenance of the North portion of Cemetery road, North and South Lake Street, the East end of Paige Road and Stoney Point Road.

Old Business: Supervisor Teague presented the board with the MTA’s Principles of Governance which the board approved and signed.

New Business: Board reviewed and discussed the Alden Safe Harbor mooring ordinance. Robbins made the motion with support by Rice to adopt the Alden Safe Harbor mooring ordinance and motion carried.

Announcements: Supervisor Teague thanked the Sheriff’s Department for their traffic control work during the 4th of July holiday. Teague also thanked the local merchants who provided refreshments to the deputies. Rice to write a letter to the editor at the Antrim review reflecting the previous comments by Teague.

Additional Public comment: None

Motion to pay bills: Robbins motioned with support by Teague and motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 PM.

Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Clerk