Township Board Minutes – July 8, 2010

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Helena Township Board Meeting

July 8, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said.  Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague.  Audience: 9.  Motion to approve agenda by Rice with support by Gurr, motion carried.


Public Comment: Jim Swan, Fowler Lane resident; adjacent property owner commented on the various items remaining at the proposed car wash site that may be a zoning ordinance violation.

Dave Hulefeld presented letter to board with three suggestions regarding procedures used in handling zoning cases; predictable schedule, availability of zoning plans, and citizen participation at meetings.


Approval of minutes: Rice made motion to approve the minutes as written support from Gurr and motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of June 1, 2010     $77,445.49

Receipts             $837.66

Disbursements          $8,017.06

Bank balance as of 04/30/10       $70,266.09

Two CD’s; $46,417.12 and $15,564.46

As of May 31, 2010 Total Assets $132,247.67               

                                   Township beginning balance as June 1,2010     $331,022.20

Receipts                    $13,578.86

General Fund Disbursements    $25,629.68

Cemetery                     $4,204.28

Building                       $3,949.33

Total Disbursements                  $33,783.29

                                                         Ending balance as of 06/30/10    $330.817.77

Partial down payments made for 2007 Silverado pickup truck purchased by township from cemetery and building funds.  Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, motion carried.


Presentation of bills: Township June 1-30, 2010: $22,911.60, $10,830.74 in                                                                         payroll.  July1-8, 2010: $1,40135 .  No report from STL Fire.


Speakers: None


Communications: Sheriff’s report.  Letter received from Tom Comfort on Tennis Court fund to be transferred to Township; awaiting check for deposit.  Received letter of resignation from planning commission member Joe Bassil.  Received letter from Bob Metric concerning proposed car wash.  Received phone call from Ginger Gorno requesting the paving of the South end of Cemetery Road.  Township board’s response  was that cemetery road is designated as a scenic road with no improvements in the master plan.  Gurr asked board about a joint meeting with the planning commission for reviewing and updating the zoning ordinance.  Requested that Chris Bzdok be present for joint meeting the first Wednesday in August.

Committee reports: Zoning administrator Molby reported one land use permit issued for May.  One zoning violation corrected.


Planning Commission: Gurr reported that Joe Bassil resigned form the planning commission


Ambulance authority:  Rick Teague updated that the ambulance authority was soliciting bids for the renovation of the old Mancelona fire hall.


Old business: Concrete ramp at Alden safe harbor repair put off until grant is completed.


New Business: Pension resolution to remove librarian Sue Riegler was approved   Motion made by Rice to approve proposed fire budget, support from Wagner with roll call vote; five ayes and no nays.  Motion made by Rice with support from Gurr to approve the library budget with a zero balance with roll call vote; five ayes and no nays.


Gurr reported that there are community growth grants program and green belt program from the Grand Vision that could be applied for by the Township. Rice made motion with support from Gurr for Supervisor Wagner to investigate and apply for grants.  Motion carried.


Board reviewed draft of the minutes (seven requirements only) from the special meeting held July 1st on the car wash site plan with seven conditions from the Planning Commission for the purpose of accuracy.  Reviewed and amended document from Township attorney Chris Bzdok memorializing the Board’s site plan approval with seven conditions for the proposed car wash for further revision prior to final vote.  See attachment for conditions of approval.


Announcements: None



Additional public comment: David Hulefeld asked about lighting plan on proposed car wash site plan.


Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Gurr, and motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk


David G. Peterson Jr.













<!–[if !supportLists]–>1.      <!–[endif]–>Setbacks and Screening


  1.   To mitigate visual impacts, headlights, and noise, the West and North boundaries of

the property shall each contain an earthen berm at least 4 feet in height and at least 8

feet wide at the base.


  1. Theberms shall be planted with a mix of native and perennial trees and shrubs to

provide – in combination with the berm – a complete visual screen.  All plantings

shall be from an approved list used by the Antrim County Conservation District.  The

plantings shall be done at recommended spacings and irrigated using an installed

irrigation system.


  1. Alden Enterprises shall repair or replace the fence along the South boundary of the



  1. Vacuums


The vacuums shall either be placed inside an enclosed building as required by Section

12.03(a) of the zoning ordinance, or shall be removed.  The hoses for the vacuums

may extend outside.

  1. Chemicals


  1. All chemicals used in the car wash process shall be pre-tested and approved by the Pro

Pak equipment vendor.


  1. Chemicals will be stored in such a way as to provide containment of any spills.


  1. Agency Permits


All permits and letters of approval from other applicable agencies or units of

government not already received shall be provided to the Township prior to the issuing

of a land use permit.


  1. Hours


The car wash shall be open for business no earlier than 7:00 AM and no later than

10:00 PM.


  1. Performance Guarantee


Alden Enterprises shall furnish to the Township a performance guarantee sufficient to

ensure completion of all public improvements and site improvements, including all

conditions, in a form and of an amount to be approved by the Township Board as

meeting the requirements of Section 17.12 of the zoning ordinance.



  1. Secondary Containment


  1. Secondary containment shall be provided for all underground tanks or other units

containing water or waste water, except septic tank designated for bathroom.


  1. Secondary containment shall consist of at least a 40 mil liner of the type described

(HDPE) in materials provided by the applicant’s engineer.


  1. The liner shall be separated from the tanks by sand beds.  A moisture detector shall be

placed and operated under each tank, for a total of 4 moisture detectors.


  1. The liner shall be replaced at 75% of its service life (service life per manufacturer’s



  1. The tanks shall be leak tested by water filling after installation.  The zoning

administrator shall be notified of and permitted to observe the leak testing.  The four

moisture detectors shall be in place under each tank and operational during the leak



  1. The liner shall be leak tested by an air test after installation.  The zoning

administrator shall be notified of and permitted to observe the leak testing.


  1. The drainage system for any spills in the building will be shown on the building plans.


  1. The current/future owner operator, (in the event of the sale of the business) shall be

responsible for the cleanup of a leak or spill due to Pro Pak system failure, or any other

unforeseen occurrence.


  1. Records and Inspections


  1. Alden Enterprises has submitted Material Safety Data Sheets to the Township for all

chemicals used in washing operations.  If any new chemicals are used, Alden Enterprises

shall submit new MSDS’s for those chemicals.


  1. Alden Enterprises shall submit to the Township a copy of its contracts with any and

all waste water, sludge, or other commercial waste haulers servicing the property.


  1. Alden Enterprises shall provide the Zoning Administrator with an opportunity to inspect

the property for compliance with this approval and all other applicable requirements of

the zoning ordinance.  The inspection opportunity shall be made available after

construction is complete and before opening for business.


Revised Final Site Plan


             Alden Enterprises shall submit to the Township a revised final site plan, including

building plans, showing compliance with all of the conditions of this approval and all

other applicable requirements of the zoning ordinance.  That revised final site plan shall

become part of the record of this approval per MCL 125.3501(2).