Township Board Minutes – June 10, 2010
Helena Township Board Meeting
June 10, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague. Audience: 22. Wagner noted change that board did not receive letter from library. Motion to approve agenda by Rice with change, support Gurr, motion carried.
Public Comment: Jim Swan, Fowler Lane resident; owner commented on his concerns for the proposed car wash as resident whose property is adjacent to proposed car wash.
Melanie Stanton who is running for 86th district court judge spoke about her experience and involvement.
George Ouvry and Deborah Peters from the Veterans Affairs and sexton from Rapid River Township pointed out that there over 70 veterans’ graves that need flag holders with veteran medallions. Discussion followed with board assuring that appropriate flag holders and US veteran markers would be ordered. Peterson to order flag holders and veteran markers.
Dave Hulefeld presented letter to board with his concerns of the proposed carwash.
Approval of minutes: Wagner made motion to approve the minutes as written with change to ambulance authority will be leasing building not acquiring in Mancelona. Motion by Teague Support from Gurr and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of May 31, 2010 $76,131.36
Receipts $10,199.00
Disbursements $8884.87
Bank balance as of 04/30/10 $77,445.49
Two CD’s
As of May 31, 2010 Total Assets $139,427.07
Township beginning balance as May 31, 2010 $364,669.81
Receipts $6,471.82
General Fund Disbursements $19,263.91
Cemetery $4,224.92
Building $7,669.36
Ambulance $8,961.24
Total Disbursements $40,119.43
Ending balance as of 04/30/10 $331,022.20
Partial downpayments made for 2007 Silverado pickup truck purchased by township from cemetery and building funds. Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Teague, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township May 1-31, 2010 $29,573.02 which includes $10,044.27 in payroll. June 1-10, 2010 $7,987.38 . No report from STL Fire.
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report. Received copy of insurance and temporary liquor license for July 16th Hops and Berries at the Depot Park sponsored by DABA. Received letters from Morgan Swan, attorney for Jennifer Swan dated May 24th and June 1st concerning issues with proposed carwash. Received letter from Charlie Koop, Antrim County prosecuting attorney, reminding all townships that they are required by state law to provide flag holders with veteran markers for all veterans buried in township cemeteries.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator Molby reported one land use permit issued for May. One zoning violation corrected.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported need to fill two openings on the Planning Commission and also alternates for the ZBA (zoning board of appeals). Gurr suggested special board meeting to review site plan with additional requirements for carwash project.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague updated that former Mancelona fire hall being considered for rental for housing ambulances.
Old business: Township issues presented by Peterson included request for signs at ball park public access for swim at your own risk/no lifeguard on duty and signs denoting the extent of the public access beach area. Signs to be produced by Pro-Image Design for $230.00. Gurr made motion with support by Teague and motion carried to have signs produced and placed at ball park.
Township received results of water sample analysis for tennis park, ball park and depot park. No coliform detected and no E. coli detected at all three sites.
Bob Logee submitted request to purchase office furniture (used from Forest Home Township). Teague made motion with support from Gurr to approve purchase of used office furniture for $300.00 and motion carried.
Discussed bid to reseal and stripe parking lot in front of community center. Action on bid tabled until August board meeting.
Reviewed bid to adjust boat ramp (due to power loading) at Alden docks/safe harbor and tabled discussion until next board meeting in order to investigate impact of grant for new docks.
Discussed flag holders with veteran markers for veterans buried at Helena Township cemetery. Motion made by Rice with support from Wagner to have Peterson order 110 at $25.00 each plus shipping and motion carried.
Reviewed bid from Todd’s Tree Service for the chipping and removal of old pine log pile and a large brush pile near tennis court park. Township had received complaint from local resident with safety concerns. Motion made by Gurr with support by Wagner and motion passed to hire Todd’s Tree Service at a cost of $210.00.
Reviewed bids from Tri-County and Active Excavating for filling in holes, regrading parking lot and gravel resurfacing at Depot parking lot. Rice made motion, support from Teague and motion carried to have Tri-County do work at Depot parking lot for $1800.00
Peterson made motion to have the Zoning Administrator list items at property for future carwash site that are in violation of Helena Township zoning ordinance section 2.08 – storage of vehicles and equipment – no area within any zone shall be used for the open storage, dismantling, accumulation, or abandonment of dismantled, disabled, wrecked, or discarded motor vehicles or machinery, fixtures, appliances, junk, or any part thereof. List to be sent by certified mail to property owner (Pixley) with 30 days to remove listed items. Wagner seconded motion. Discussion followed with the result that the township board would not vote but by general consensus direct Molby to list items at property for future carwash site that are in violation of Helena Township zoning ordinance section 2.08 with 30 days to remove. Letter to be sent by certified mail to property owner. Peterson withdrew motion.
New Business: ZBA section 16.06 – variances with proposed amendment language was submitted for approval. Motion made by Wagner with support from Rice to adopt amended language for section 16.06 – variances, motion carried.
Announcements: Spring cleanup scheduled for 7:00 AM until noon at Depot Park for dropping off tires, batteries, appliances and truck and trailer loads for disposal by American Waste.
Additional public comment: Tim Fox mentioned witnessing 4 wheeler using trail at Coy Mtn.
Matter referred to sheriff’s department jurisdiction. Rick Teague mentioned that at last Planning Commission meeting that Township assets resource survey was not received. Joe Meyer to be contacted for copy of survey for Helena Township to fill out. A motion was made by Gurr for a special meeting to review Planning Commission’s carwash site plan with additional requirements for July 1st at 6:00 PM seconded by Wagner and motion carried. Notice of special meeting to be posted in newspaper.
Motion to pay bills by Rice, support Wagner, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.