Township Board Minutes – June 12, 2014

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Helena Township Board Meeting

June 12, 2014


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague.  Present:  Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Butch Bartz, and Bonnie Robbins absent.  Motion to approve agenda with three additions by Bartz with support by Rice and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment: Paul Delange proposed a shed roof extending from the West side of the current storage building at the Depot.  This shed roof would provide shelter for historical farm implements and protection of the doors on the West side.  The Historical Society will pay for the materials and the Alden Volunteers will provide the labor.  A building permit may be required.  Delange mentioned that the Depot building needs repairs to the facia, portico posts replaced, and replacement of rotted clapboards.  Board requests that the Historical Society submit a list of the needed repairs and material costs.  Board requests that the Historical Society contact the Michigan Historical Society concerning historical building design.  Delange also mentioned the issue of ponding water at the SE corner of the Depot property.  Board suggests contacting the County road commissioner concerning drainage relief.

Approval of minutes: Motion by Rice with support by Bartz to approve May’s board meeting minutes and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Township:  Beginning balance as of May 31, 2014            $542,103.31                                                                                                                         

                                                         Receipts                                                                $4,270.83

                                                         Disbursements                                                    $25,856.36

                                                         Bank balance 05/31/14                                     $520,517.78

Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report by Bartz with support by Teague and motion carried.

Presentation of bills:  May 1-31, 2014 – $16,625.92 and June 1-12, 2014 – $10,696.50                                

Speakers: None

Communications: None

Committee Reports:

Zoning – Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for May.

Planning Commission – Subcommittee meeting held to review the completeness of the Walker Shores Site Plan application.  Helena Township zoning ordinance requires a 30 day period of review for comments by state and local permitting agencies.  The next subcommittee meeting is scheduled for July 14th.  At the regular Planning Commission meeting the scheduled public hearing request for a special use permit to sell fireworks did not take place because the applicant withdrew their application.

Ambulance Authority – No updates.

Parks and Recreation Committee – Ruth Smith reported that the spring cleanup at Coy Mtn. Preserve June 21st.  Rice made the motion to accept the proposed work for construction of walkway across the wet area of the trail at Coy Mtn. and the cleanup with support by Bartz and motion carried.  Board requested a memorandum of understanding for the redesign of the Coy Mtn. trail system by Brad Gerlach.

Roads – Bartz reported speaking with Burt Thompson concerning the start date for the resurfacing of North Lake Street.  No date available as yet.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Teague presented board with bid from Todd’s Tree Services for trimming 137 trees, removing two trees, grinding stumps at the Helena Township Cemetery for $5525.00.  Teague made the motion to accept Todd’s Tree Services’s bid of $5525.00 for tree trimming, tree removal and stump the cemetery with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Teague presented board with bid from Tri-County for maintenance of the driveway on the side and rear of the community center including additional stone catch basins and demolition of the concrete block building adjacent to the garage.  Peterson made the motion to accept the bid from Tri-County not to exceed $10,000.00 with support by Bartz and the motion carried.

Rice read tax percentage (PTAF) resolution to the board and then made the motion to accept the resolution with support by Teague that the administrative fee will be at 1% and the penalty remains at 3% for 2014-2015 and motion carried.

Rice mentioned that the biannual spring cleanup net cost was $2219.00.

Additional Public comment: Jim Gurr suggested that future requests for projects on township park property be submitted for review by the Parks and Recreation Committee.  Gurr also suggested replanting trees to replace ones that are removed at the cemetery.

Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.

Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk     David G. Peterson Jr.