Helena Township Board Meeting
September 13, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Penny Wagner and the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Rice, Gurr, and Teague. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr with support by Teague; motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: Wagner made motion with support from Gurr: motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Township beginning balance as of August 1, 2012 $268,057.92
Receipts $16,550.71
General Fund Disbursements $20,903.45
Cemetery & Bldg. $5,739.00
Final Payment S. Cemetery Road $9,089.06
Ambulance Authority Millage $9.48
Total Disbursements $35,740.99
12 month CD (Roads) $70,000.00
Total Bank Balance as of August 31, 2012 $248,867.64
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Teague with support from Wagner; motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: Township: August 1-31, 2012: $26,428.25 and September 1-13, 2012: $7,677.23.
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff Dan Bean gave report and outlined the 911 millage request for the ballot in November. Deputy School spoke about enforcement issues with respect to overnight parking of boats at the safe harbor and boats moored at buoys offshore. Suggestion was offered to have township board contact Charlie Koop at the county to develop an agreement with the Sheriff’s department for future enforcement.
Zoning Administrator: Guy Molby gave report and board reviewed zoning violation.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported for the planning commission that the planning commission recommended approval of the special use permit for the installation of vacuums at the car wash.
Ambulance Authority: No report.
Parks & Recreation: Ruth Smith reported that committee is still working on five year plan. Board reported that the grading around the basketball court and the pavilion was completed as well as repairs to the ball park driveway.
Old Business: None
New Business: Received memorandum from the Antrim County Planning Dept. indicating their approval of an amendment to Helena Township Zoning Ordinance Section 4.02.02a.
(a) Pole barns or accessory structures will not be permitted prior to construction or placement of residential dwelling in R1 or R2 districts. Rice made the motion to approve the amendment; section 4.02.02a to the zoning ordinance with support from Teague and motion carried.
Wagner made the motion to approve the special use permit for the installation of vacuums at the car wash with support from Rice and the motion carried.
Teague mentioned maintenance needed for drive around community center. Discussion followed and board will address this maintenance in the spring.
Peterson stated that there is still a need for someone to mark the corners of the cemetery lots and the need to obtain burial records from Mortensen Funeral Homes. Peterson informed board that as keeper of the records that there is currently no list that states who is buried/with lot number for the Helena Township Cemetery. Teague reported he is working on this with Gary Mortenson and Jesse Lane; maintenance, to complete this task.
Announcements: Gurr announced that the Michigan Association of Planning is scheduled for October 17th -19th. Molby and Gurr to attend.
Additional Public Comment: Linda Gallagher commented on the proposed 911 millage.
Motion To Pay Bills: Wagner made the motion to pay the bills with support from Teague and motion carried.
Adjournment: 8:08 PM
Respectfully submitted: Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.