Meeting Minutes
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 10, 2019
Annual Meeting
Present: Linda Fox, Jim Gurr, Gary Hutchens, Barb Lockrey
Absent: Doris Felton, Susan Moglovkin, Bonnie Robbins
Guest: Bob Logee
Call to Order
- Gurr called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all members present.
Roll Call
The members of the ZBA acknowledged their presence by stating their name.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was accepted as written.
Approval of Minutes
The August 15, 2018 minutes were reviewed. B. Lockrey moved to approve the minutes as written. G. Hutchens seconded; all were in favor and the motion passed.
Jim Gurr stated meetings where a variance decision is made should have a follow up meeting within a week to approve the meeting minutes. This is necessary to be within the appellate process timelines. It was suggested that perhaps the minutes could be approved via email. Jim stated he will discuss this with Bonnie.
Once the minutes have been approved, Bonnie needs to update the Township website from “draft” minutes to “approved” minutes.
Old Business
Updating Application
It has been discussed in previous meetings that the zoning permit application needs updating to include what section of the ordinance is being referenced as it relates to the variance. B. Logee stated he agreed and would look into updating the application.
New Business
Election of Officers
Current officers are Jim Gurr as Chair, B. Lockrey as Vice Chair and L. Fox as Secretary. G. Hutchens made a motion that these individuals be reappointed to their positions for another year. B. Lockrey seconded; all were in favor and the motion passed. D. Felton will continue as an alternate.
Interpretation Request by the ZA
Bob Logee requested the board provide an interpretation of Section 9.02 Substandard Lots of Record of the Zoning Ordinance. There is a request for a building permit on Cedar Street. This is a substandard lot of record or nonconforming lot. The homeowners want to do a significant amount of remodeling and also build a new dormer above the existing house. The concern of the ZA is the new dormer addition on a nonconforming lot. However, they are building with the same footprint and are able to meet the required setbacks and height requirements. After discussion Mr. Logee was advised that it was the opinion of the ZBA that they are in compliance with the ordinance and it would be acceptable to approve and issue a building permit to the homeowners.
The next annual meeting of the ZBA will be in April 2020 at 7 p.m. Meetings will be called as the need arises in the interim.
J. Gurr adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By,
Linda Fox, Secretary