Board Minutes December 8, 2022

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Helena Township Board Meeting December 8th, 2022

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.  Members present were David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, Cathy Rice, Butch Bartz and Butch Peeples.  Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda and supported by Bartz and approved.  Motion by Rice to approve the November’s meeting minutes and supported by Robbins and approved.

Conflict of Interest: None          

 Public Comment: None

Approval of Minutes:  Motion by Rice and supported by Robbins and approved with two corrections in planning commission report.  Change as follows: Dec. 1st meeting will be posted as a special meeting time if a meeting is held.  Strike Bob Mack appointed to planning commission.

Treasurer’s Report:  beginning balance November1st, 2022 is $531,979.78

Total receipts: $2,891 and total disbursements: $38,285.65

Ending balance November 30; 2022 is $496,585.72

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved.

Cathy Rice presented resolution for the summer tax collection for 2023.  Motion by Robbins with support by Bartz and roll call vote resulted in 5 yes votes for the board members.

Presentation of Bills: November 1-30, $27,844.39, December 1-8th; $13,880.00

Fire Chief/Sheriff Report:  Paul Fabiano reviewed report for STLFD.  Amvets to host dinner Dec. 15th from 5-7 pm at the fire dept in Alden.

Speakers: Paul DeLange spoke about cost of new sign at the Depot purchased by the Historical Society.  Rice made the motion to pay $1000.00 of cost with support by Bartz and board approved.

Communications: County commissioner Terry VanAlstine commented that the county has offered Jeremy Scott the position of county administrator.  County hired new airport manager; Matthew Wyman.  County is interviewing for animal control manager.   County did quick claim on Commission on Aging building.  County appointed Anna Jarvis parks director.

Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report.  Robbins made the motion with support by Bartz to pass resolution 120802022 for new poverty reduction legal code with roll call vote of 5 yes votes from all 5 board members.

.  Robbins made the motion with support by Bartz to pass resolution 120802022-2 for board of review meeting dates with roll call vote of 5 yes votes from all 5 board members.

Planning Commission: No meeting in December.

Parks & Rec: Robbins made the motion supported by Bartz to apply for the Parks & Rec Sparks Grant to meet the December 19th deadline for application and motion carried.

Roads: Bartz obtained estimates for road repairs to Alden Meadows; $50,000.00.  East Torch Lake Dr.; $346,000.00and McPherson Road; $142,000.00.  Road commission has allocated $20,119.00 for Helena Township selected road projects.  Rice made the motion to approve Alden Meadows $50,000.00 repairs with support by Robbins and motion passed.

Old Business: Fencing completed at the community center and the Depot Park.

New Business: None

Announcements:  None

Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented.

Robbins made the motion to pay the bills and supported by Bartz and approved.

Adjournment by call of the chair at 8:08 PM.

Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson