Helena Township Board January 10, 2019 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7 pm. Members present were Rick Teague, Butch Bartz,
Bonnie Robbins, David Peterson and Catherine Rice absent.
Motion by Bartz to approve the agenda and supported by Robbins and approved.
Motion by Robbins to approve the minutes and supported by Bartz and approved.
Public Comment: Sheriff Dan Bean reviewed 2018 year end report with 2017 report.
Treasurer’s report; beginning balance Dec.1, 2018 is $329.007.90
Total receipts: $177,082.38 and total disbursements: $56,988.82
Ending balance as of 12/31/2018 is $439,134.46
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins with support by Teague and approved.
Presentation of Bills: Dec.1-31: $45,224.89 and Jan. 1-10; $5,870.68
Speakers: None
Communications: None
Zoning: Bob Logee submitted zoning report.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported Jim Gurr was elected chair, Gordy Schaffer elected Vice-chair and Bonnie Robbins recording secretary.
Ambulance Authority: Teague reported two new smaller ambulance rigs are expected to have delivery within sixty – ninety days.
Parks: Ruth Smith reported P & R is starting to put together a capital improvement plan for Helena Twp. Parks.
Roads: Received two bids from Antrim County Road Commission for one mile of SE Torch Lake Drive North from Alden Highway for $126,000.00 for 5,300 feet of repair and the remainder of Helena Road for $153,000.00 for 5,400 feet of repair.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr comment on public service.
Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 7:50 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk; David Peterson
David Peterson