Parks & Rec Agenda March 6, 2019

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Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda for 03/06/2019

Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

Exception: This meeting will be held from 4:00 – 6:00 due to a schedule conflict.

1. Community input

2. Minutes from 02/06/2019 meeting (Ruth).

3. Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth).


4. Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project (Steve, Ruth).

5. 5-year-plan approved by Twp. Board submitted to DNR on 7/27/2018. Waiting on approval. (Steve)

6. David Spieser to look at Ball Park erosion and give estimate to stabilize. Waiting until Spring to do joint

inspection with David. He will send info about his company to share with committee. (Steve)

7. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): Limit scope of CIP to Parks and Recreation jurisdictions only.

Ball Park: Westerman, Coy Mtn: Dell, Comm. Cntr: Robbins, Depot Park: Loveland

Road Endings: Robbins/Gurr, Safe Harbor & Archie Valleau Landing: Smith,

Tennis Court Park: Smith, Water Trails: Dell

Dell will meet with each township board member and Mike Crawford to get their input on the CIP project.

Include the following items for discussion and add any items identified by Mike or the board.

– For each park, road end and water trail site, inventory all items in the asset.

– For each item in the asset, determine date acquired (age), current condition, useful life of item and date it may need to be replaced (use Mike to help with this)

– For each asset, identify future projects and compile a budget and date of implementation.

– For each asset, identify future costs to replace each item inventoried and date replacement needed.

– Other:

After meeting with board and Mike, Dell will do check sheet for committee members to use when assessing each park.


8. Budget: For March/April next year – prepare a budget to present to the HT board to be included in their

July 2019 – June 2020 budget.(MARCH)

9. Decide what Twp roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Look at the entire county (see master plan)


10. Memorial donations to Helena Township and stones at TC Park (MAR)


1. Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion). (TO BE DISCUSSED WHEN WE REVIEW EACH PARK)

2. Coy Mountain forest management: We were asked by the Helena Twp. Board to come up with a forest plan for Coy Mtn. (See the March 2016 meeting minutes for specifics). Our current plan involves the following activities:

A. Come up with a plan for forest management and an improved trail system. This might involve bringing in an ecologist, asking Mike Meriwether to speak to us, or both.

B. If the committee reworks the trail system before the overall forest management plan is completed, we may present it to the HT Board separately.

C. After our Forest Management Plan for Coy Mtn. is completed, it will be taken to HT Board for review and action.

3. Reaching agreement between P&R and Twp. Board on goals for Coy Mtn. as first step in developing management plan.(JULY)

4. Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website (Steve/Ruth) (SEPT OF EACH YEAR)

5. Committee to review GT Regional Land Conservancy draft partnership agreement with Helena Township and

Conservancy. Use “Application for Project” review process. (Back to agenda when budget received).

Status of project (Steve)

7. Do regular (monthly, quarterly ?) publicity for parks and recreation committee projects (Jan)(APRIL)

6. Tri-fold brochure and some “high-tech” chips telling about our parks and community events. (Bonnie, Jan)(APRIL)