Helena Township Board June 13, 2019 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7 pm. Members present were Rick Teague, David Peterson, Cathy Rice, Butch Bartz and Bonnie Robbins.
Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda w/addition and supported by Bartz and approved.
Motion by Robbins to approve the minutes and supported by Bartz and approved.
Public Comment: Laura Westerman commented on ball park.
Treasurer’s report; beginning balance May 1, 2019 is $482,886.81
Total receipts: $2,992.69 and total disbursements: $26,305.65
Ending balance as of 05/31/2019 is $459,573.85
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Teague with support by Robbins and approved.
Presentation of Bills: May 1-31: $15,532.89 and June 1-13; $49,311.41
Speakers: None.
Communications: Received Coy Mtn. adjacent property appraisals.
Zoning: Zoning report given by Bob Logee and reviewed.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported discussion of the clarification of the definitions of digital and electronic illuminated signs and the ordinance changes. Determined definition of “temporary” and where it is used throughout the zoning ordinance. Removed language about additional parking on private property.
Ambulance Authority: No update.
Parks: Ruth Smith reported kiosk design for Coy Mtn. still pending.
Roads: No update.
Old Business: None
New Business: Peterson presented changes to amend the township’s FOIA request policy. The resolution to amend the FOIA policy was motioned by Teague with support by Robbins. Roll call vote resulted in five yes votes and the resolution what approved.
Announcements: Annual budget meeting on Tuesday, June 18th at 10:00 AM.
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr expressed his, the ZBA and Planning Commission’s appreciation and gratitude for the work that Gary Hutchens did.
Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 7:35 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk; David Peterson
David Peterson