Helena Township
Minutes September 13, 2018
Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by chair, Rick Teague. Members present were: Butch Bartz, Bonnie Robbins, Rick Teague and Catherine Rice. Absent: David Peterson.
Motion to approve agenda with correction that Gordy Schafer had been appointed to the PC at last month’s meeting was made by Bonnie, supported by Butch and carried. There was no conflict of interest.
Sheriff Dan Bean spoke under Public Comment, noting that calls were up substantially in 2018 from the previous year. They are down five people on road patrol, but are addressing the issue with new hires. They will be getting a new dog and handler and will be training together for five weeks. They will also have new dispatchers that are training. Marijuana will be back on the ballot in the November election. Upgrades for 911 RFP for the tower on McKinney Rd., and 800 paging for Elmira right now as they have received a grant.
Minutes of the August meeting and the Treasurer’s report were approved as presented.
Bills for August were $ $31,845.72, and for September 1-13, $ 15,133.38.
There were no speakers or communications.
ZBA held a meeting on August 15th and approved a variance for a shed as long as it is moveable. Under Section 403.02 there are bullets that wording will be changed to clarify intent. Short term rentals and signs were also discussed and all the proposed changes will be ready for Township Board approval in November. Changes were given in written form to the board. The Zoning Administrator presented a report on Zoning activity/permits for August.
The Ambulance Authority is looking to replace a couple of rigs. They are looking at smaller ones that are more efficient and cost about half as much as the full size ambulances.
Parks and Rec’s project for the Coy Mtn. Trail rebuild went very well in conjunction with the Grand Traverse Conservancy. There have been positive reviews by patrons using the trail, which is 1.75 miles long. Ken Masck was the organizer and had help from the Alden Volunteers as well. There was an emblem from the Grand Traverse Foundation for their $2500.00 grant that will be displayed on signage. New signage is being looked at and may be paid for by the Conservancy. The Pickle Ball Tournaments went very well at the Tennis Court Park and the two fund raisers together raised around $800.00 for the Tennis Court Fund. Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith and Linda Bicum are looking into ways of soundproofing the Community Center gym so that Pickle Ball doesn’t disturb the Yoga classes held there.
The County Road Commission will stripe Helena Rd, but aren’t sure when they will get to it.
Jack Findlay from Alden Volunteers presented a letter and pictured plans for a proposed curb renovation from Mrs. Smith’s Village Park to in front of the Post Office. He had letters of support from the owners of Mrs. Smith’s Park and the Alden Postmaster. The brick would be permeable and would match the brick on the other two walkways on the south side. The cost will be around $3550.00, donated by the Alden Volunteers, and perhaps a donation from DABA. Cathy made the motion that the board supported, and did not object to, the project, seconded by Bonnie and unanimously approved.
There were no announcements or new business.
Under Public Comment, Jack Findlay wanted to thank the Helena Township Board for being in support of projects brought to them by The Alden Volunteers, and pointed out that very few have met with resistance and they are appreciative of the working relationship between the board and the volunteers. Jack was also thanked by the board for all that the Alden Volunteers do to enhance the township.
Butch asked about the culvert going in under Thayer Lake Rd. by the Homeowner’s Association, which is a private road. All permits have been acquired for the DEQ and Soil & Erosion. There have been some concerns by citizens over what the water levels and erosion to Thayer Lake will be with the implementation of the culvert. Helena Township has no jurisdiction over private roads, so Butch will talk with Heidi Shaffer as to the purpose of the culvert.
Motion to pay bills by Rick, supported by Bonnie and carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 by call of the chair.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Rice
Acting Secretary