Meeting Minutes
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 25, 2018
Annual Meeting
Present: Doris Felton, Linda Fox, Jim Gurr, Gary Hutchens, Barb Lockrey
Absent: Susan Moglovkin, Bonnie Robbins
Call to Order
J. Gurr called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. A motion was made by D. Felton to appoint J.
Gurr as temporary chair until the election of officers is concluded. G. Hutchens seconded; all
were in favor and the motion passed.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all members present.
Roll Call
The members of the ZBA acknowledged their presence by stating their name.
Approval of Agenda
G. Hutchens requested we add Alternate Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance to the agenda.
B. Lockrey moved to approve agenda with the noted addition. G. Hutchens seconded; all were in
favor and the motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
The April 20, 2017 minutes were reviewed. B. Lockrey moved to approve the minutes as written.
D. Felton seconded; all were in favor and the motion passed. J. Gurr stated B. Robbins has
worked on a form that can be utilized to provide a summary of meeting minutes immediately after
adjourning the meeting. This prevents long delays in getting the minutes reviewed and approved.
Old Business
Zoning Administrator Update
J. Gurr stated Guy Molby is back working again. The Committee discussed concerns if the ZA is
capable of doing the services expected of him in this position. It is questioned if he has the
physical ability to “walk the property” as is expected. No cases have come before the ZBA in
over a year which adds to the concerns.
The Committee stressed again the need for revision of the application for a variance. It
specifically needs to state what section is being appealed, include better drawings of the property
with specific landmarks noted, and ask clearer and more specific questions of the homeowner.
The Chairman stated he would take the Committee’s concerns back to the Planning Commission
and get their feedback.
New Business
Election of Officers
Current officers are Jim Gurr as Chair, B. Lockrey as Vice Chair and L. Fox as Secretary. D.
Felton made a motion that these individuals be reappointed to their positions for another year. G.
Hutchens seconded; all were in favor and the motion passed. D. Felton will continue as an
alternate. There was uncertainty about S. Moglovkin and J. Gurr will check to see if she is still
Alternate Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance
G. Hutchens stated there is no language in the Zoning Ordinance that addresses the need for
alternates. J. Gurr stated this will be added to the list of revisions for the next time the Ordinance
is updated.
The next annual meeting of the ZBA will be in April 2019 at 7 p.m. Meetings will be called as the
need arises in the interim.
J. Gurr adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By,
Linda Fox, Secretary