Parks and Recreation Minutes – May 21, 2013

Minutes Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting – Alden Community Center
Meeting date: May 21, 2013                                                            Approved 6-18-2013

In attendance: Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, Carolyn Nowfel, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith.
Absent: Mike Crawford, & Casey McDowell

Community Input – none
from 04/16/2013 -approved as presented & will be published on the website.

Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg.:

April Meeting – See attached report discussing request to include invasive species control in Five year plan, discussion of Jan’s memo requesting work to be done at Depot Park, the Alden Volunteers request to have a Veteran’s Memorial constructed and a discussion of needed repairs and improvements at the Community Center.


** Dave, Ruth & Steve participated in the garlic mustard pull at Coy Mountain.
**All previously assigned work was completed and Carolyn has typed up a current version of the Five Year plan for review.

**We are on target with our goal to have the Five Year Plan completed by the June Meeting. A notice is to go out giving at least a 30 day opportunity for people to input via regular mail, email and at the July Parks & Rec. meeting. We plan to present the completed plan to the Township Board at their August meeting.

** We reviewed the Five Year Plan. There were spelling and grammar updates as well as rearranging of the items and discussion of use of the appendix.
** Paper roads were discussed. No action is planned at this time.

** An extra work session has been scheduled for June 4th 3-5PM. We will work on the final editing of The Five Year Plan and on the Ad to go into the newspapers.
FIVE YEAR PLAN – Any item underlined denotes action needed.

1.   Continue typing new 5-year-plan as items come to her from P&R Committee members
2.   For the special meetingbring the ad we used when we advertised the survey.

Mike: Volunteered to obtain some abstracts we might find useful.

1.The approved April minutes are to be sent to Joyce Looman for publishing online. The April minutes will also be sent to Rick Teague. The May minutes need to be prepared for review by the Committee.


  1. Will contact Christie Bayus of the DNR to ask clarification of the best date (years) to put on our Five Year Plan – 2013-2018 or 2014-2019.
  2. Will write a paragraph that will go with the Recreational Grid. It will stress that all required information is in the grid and the paragraphs are supplemental. It will also refer people to the appendix for a listing of activities taking place in the Township.
  3. Will write a paragraph about the previous DNR grants and the required report concerning the parks that received these grants. The report will be filed in the appendix.
  4. Will amend the table of context to reflect the proper order of our materials following the guidelines.


    These items will continue to be carried forward until they are discussed by the Committee
    Deed restrictions for Helena Twp. Parks are to be reviewed. (Steve)
    2. Riparian rights / possible review by township attorney (Dave)
    3. Valley St Rd ending not listed on resolution accepting jurisdiction from Antrim Co. Rd Comm. by Helena Township. Memo to Board regarding this? (Steve)
    4. Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion).
    5. Research rules and laws governing road ending lake access sites (Steve, Ruth)
    6. Discuss possible memo to the Twn about developing a plan concerning reservation of usage for all Twn Parks
    7. Discuss possible memo to the Township concerning placing signs at all Parks to clarify Township ownership and whom to contact if there are questions concerning or problems with the Park
    8. Further discuss Alden Safe Harbor and its park status / ownership – memo to Board?
    9. Look at the possibility of updating & correcting information on the Pk. & Rec. web pages.
    10. The Helena Township Master plan (Jan. 2010) mentions that a member of the planning commission will appoint one of its members to the Pk. & Rec. Committee. Also check responsibilities of the Parks & Rec. Committee outlined in the current HT Master Plan. New plan due in 2015.
    11. Mike mentioned the AAU Sports / Recreation Complex – Morey Complex- and suggested that they may be looking to locate a similar complex in the North.
    12. Look into the possibility of Flo McCormick (MI Assoc. of Counties) helping with writing any Pks. And Rec. grants. (Mike Crawford)
    13. Consider Keith Charters as a resource for Pk. & Rec. projects.
    14. Work to update the Parks and Recreation pages of the Helena Township web site.
    Extra Five Yr. Plan working meeting is scheduled for Tues., June 4th, at 3 PM.
    We will be finishing the editing of the Five Year Plan and constructing the Ad for the papers.
    The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18th, at 3 PM
    Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 05-22-13