Parks & Rec Minutes June 6, 2021

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 06/02/2021               Approved 7-7-2021 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples, HT supervisor, & Laura Westerman 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

  1. The meeting minutes from 5/05/2021 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
  2. The full board was told about the joint meeting with the volunteer groups that were represented at the May meeting. The idea of an official MOU between the township and various organized groups who use Depot Park was introduced–. 4. Public Input: Butch Peeples, HT supervisor, gave input concerning ongoing P&R plans. Laura Westerman asked about progress concerning the Capital Improvement Plan. She is ready to assist with information about Ball Diamond Park. OLD BUSINESS:
  3. Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. The soil erosion control project was discussed. The need to further investigate the deed restriction on the south 50 ‘was discussed. Butch Peeples will investigate & address this concern. Butch Peeples, Bonnie Robbins, and Barry Snyder are to work on plans for the Ball Diamond Park.
  4. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Steve believes he will have the finished soft ware and be ready for input by the end of June. Steve will start numbering items such as picnic tables. 

7 Helena Township / Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy – purchase of property adjacent to the Coy Mt. Preserve. The Logee & Johnson properties have now been purchased by the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy and have been deeded over to Helena Township. 8. The Committee completed a review of the Toddler Toy Project at Tennis Court Park. All members voted to recommend approval of the project to the HT Board. 9. Revision of the memorial policy. Cathy Rice and Butch Bartz Sr., Helena Township board members, have completed a new policy concerning memorial donations in the Township. 


  1. Do a budget for the P&R Committee to present to the HT Board. Ruth has talked with Cathy Rice concerning the HT. budget that begins July 1st. The plan discussed was that the budget would contain $20,000. for Pk. & Rec. projects and $35,000. for park maintenance for the next fiscal year.

11.Tri-fold brochures to talk about our parks and community events. (Bonnie, Jan) This item has been moved to the future agenda items for review in September.


  1. Recognition of volunteers who worked on the Coy Mt. Trail Redo. To be further discussed at the July meeting.
  2. Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve Trail Redo. To be further discussed at the July meeting.
  3. Report on Sustainable Built Environment Initiative. This is no longer relevant and was to removed from the agenda previously.

The next P&R monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, July 7th,2021 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 06/09/2021