Planning Commission Minutes – May 04, 2011

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Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

May 04, 2011


Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:43 p.m.

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:                      Present:            Jim Swan (7:43)       Jim Gurr

Bob Johnson           Bonnie Robbins

Absent:             Chris Dewald           Mike Robinson         Rodger Dewey

Township officials present:                      Guy Molby


Approval of Agenda:  Motion: Johnson, 2nd Gurr.  Carried (4,0)

Statement of Conflict of Interest:         None

Approval of Minutes:  April 20, 2011  Motion:  Gurr, 2nd Johnson.  Carried (4,0)

Public Comment:         Discussion on notification if meetings are canceled and need of special meetings.  Some members do not have email and need to be called if a special meeting is required.  Misunderstanding that this meeting was canceled.   Clarification that email from Robbins asked if the meeting should be canceled but members did not respond in sufficient time to notify public the regular meeting would be canceled.  Canceled meetings are stated as canceled in the subject line of the email.  Special meetings are required when timeframe for permit process does not correlate with the regular meeting schedule.  Weekly printing of local paper restricts timeframe for public notification as required by law.  Discussion of importance of holding regular monthly meetings as scheduled.  Charge of the township board to review and complete update of the zoning ordinance requires additional work sessions to complete the task.

Communications:         Discussion of upcoming Regional Meeting with Michigan Township Association.  Molby has requested a schedule.

New Business:             ZA report  4 land use, 12 field checks, 2 attorney contact, 14 other public contacts, 0 violations

Old Business:               Zoning ordinance review postponed until next meeting on May 11, 2011


Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (4,0)  8:08 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins

Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary