Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
November 9, 2021
Meeting called to order by Gurr at 7:09 P.M.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Jim Gurr Laura Westerman
Joe Bassil Bonnie Robbins
Mike Robinson
Absent: Gordy Schafer Sue Moglovkin
Township officials present: Bob Logee, Butch Peeples
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Robbins, supported by Westerman. Approved
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: 0 in attendance.
New Business: October 2021: LU 3, FC 5, AC 0, PC 7, ZV 0
Approval of Minutes: Minutes for July 13; August 12; and September 14, 2021 approved with one motion made by
Bassil, supported by Robbins. Approved without change.
Communications: Discussion from Gurr about Special Use approval or denial being final step for applicant. There is
no appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeal. Their only option is court and this is why some of the
use approvals in surrounding townships are now in court with both parties suing the township.
Brief discussion about current legislation debate on short-term rentals.
Old Business: Tabled.
Discussion on what is the difference between home occupation and home business.
Discussion on event venue in AG. Decision to ask Bzdok to review current language and offer
suggestions to guide township with respect to our ordinance and master plan.
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: 8:12 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary
Planning Commission Minutes November 9, 2021
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