Township Board Minutes – April 11, 2013

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Helena Township Board Meeting

April 11, 2013


Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by clerk, David Peterson. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Butch Bartz, Rick Teague and Bonnie Robbins. Motion to approve agenda with additions by Bartz, support by Robbins and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment:

Approval of minutes: Robbins made the motion to approve the minutes as presented with support by Bartz. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Township: Beginning balance as of March 1, 2013         $486,192.71        

                                                       Receipts                                                             $34,693.63                                                       

                                                         Total Disbursements                                           $88,932.46

                                                         Bank balance 1/31/13                                      $431,953.88

12 month Road CD                                             $70,000.00

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, support Robbins. Motion carried.

Presentation of bills: March 1-31, 2013 – $78,746.20 and April 1-11, 2013 – $10,301.58                                    

Speakers: Burt Thompson provided information on current funding to the ACRC from Michigan Transportation Fund about $3.3 million. Current revenues are about equal with what the ACRC received ten years ago. State proposals on increasing funding for roads has not materialized so far. Thompson recommends that NO changes be made to the distribution formula.

Communications: N. Lake Street, MTA regional meeting

Committee reports: Zoning Administrator Molby gave report. Township Ambulance Authority has installed backup generator in Bellaire as reported by Supervisor Teague. Trustee Bonnie Robbins reported that the Planning Commission will have a special meeting April 25th to consider food service/special use permit for Nifty Things in Alden. Audience member Ruth Smith reported that the Parks & Rec committee is finishing up the master plan and it should be ready for presentation to the township board in July or August.

New Business: ZBA recommends that Jim Gurr be appointed to ZBA as a citizen member and Bonnie Robbins be appointed to ZBA as the township board representative.

Peterson reported that the Par Plan Risk Control audit recommends that the township pickup truck be equipped with a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and warning lights. Rice made the motion to have these items purchased for the township pickup truck with support by Peterson and motion carried.

An amended Helena Township cemetery policy was approved by the board by and signed.

Announcements: May 23rd is the MTA Antrim County Township Officers Association meeting. Peterson reported that the calendar of events for Alden would be made available to all of the Alden businesses in mid-May.

Public comment: Mike Crawford spoke about the fence encroaching the road end public access at the end of Crystal Springs Road, extended parking of RV travel trailers on lake front property /Crystal Springs Road and the removal of a builder’s sign. Zoning administrator Molby to follow up.

Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion with support by Robbins. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM.

Respectfully submitted; David G. Peterson, Clerk