Township Board Minutes – May 9th, 2013

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Helena Township Board Meeting

May 9th, 2013


Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda with addition of two special use permits under New Business by Rice, support by Teague and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented on the process of the special use permits and three signs had been designated by the county for the recycling center at the community center.

Sheriff Dan Bean gave a copy of the 2012 annual report to the board. He gave April’s report and literature on the boater safety program.

North lake Street resident Linda Spice spoke about the continued deteriation of North lake Street and how hazardous it has become for just walking. Linda Spice has asked the board to consider the repaving of North lake Street.

Approval of minutes: Rice made the motion to approve the minutes as presented with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Township: Beginning balance as of Jan1, 2013                 $431,953.88

                                                       Receipts                                                             $39,535.84

                                                       Disbursements                                                 $26,769.60

                                                         Bank balance 1/31/13                                       $444,720.12

                                                         Road CD                                                           $70,000.00

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Bartz, support Robbins and motion carried.

Presentation of bills: April 1-30, 2013 – $17,930.08 and May 1-9, 2013 – $44,626.50                                    

Speakers: Jack Findlay presented the concept of a veterans’ memorial to be placed at the Depot park sponsored by the Alden Volunteers, the Historical Society and DABA. He asked for the approval to pursue the concept of a veteran’s memorial at the SE corner of the Depot Park which is a space not currently being utilized. This would require the removal of several dead trees and the reclamation of that area which is lower than the Depot building at no cost to the township. The memorial would represent all five branches of the armed forces. The memorial would be guarded by trees and bushes to provide an environment of privacy for people visiting the memorial. The footprint of the memorial site is proposed to be 60 feet East to West and 40 feet North to South. The memorial site will be accessible to all. Board comments included setbacks, the need for a resurvey of the property and the use of a memorandum of understanding. Bartz made the motion with support by Robbins for the concept going forward for a veterans’ memorial at the SE corner of the Depot Park and the motion carried.

Communications: Received letter from Parks and Recreation which Supervisor Teague addressed. Received and accepted the resignation letter from Harvey Bartel – Parks and Recreation Committee.

Committee reports: Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for April and responded to three inquiries from Mike Crawford at last month’s township board meeting.

Robbins reported on the Planning Commission that they had held two meetings and had election of officers and had recommended two special use permits for the township board to approve. Robbins also reported that the ZBA had met and had issued a variance on Fowler Lane, appointed members and Jim Gurr is the chairman.

Ruth Smith reported that the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is nearly complete. Peterson reported on garlic mustard pull at Coy Mtn. Preserve. Suggestion was made to contact Heidi Shaffer at county conservation office about future grants for treating garlic mustard, an invasive species. Suggestion was also made to put statement in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan about the need to treat invasive species such as garlic mustard at Coy Mtn. Preserve. Peterson requested board approval up to $2000.00 for the treatment of garlic mustard at Coy Mtn. preserve using an herbicide. Teague made the motion with support by Robbins to spend up to $2000.00 for the treatment of garlic mustard at Coy Mtn. Preserve and motion carried.

Bartz reported that the roads committee is made up of Carolyn Robbins, Mary Ann Stimpson and he. Suggestion was made by board member to add Jim Gurr to the roads committee and board agreed.

Old Business: Supervisor Teague reported that the new roof with light tubes was complete.

New Business: Two special use permits recommended by the planning commission were brought up for consideration. A special use permit for walk up food service at Nifty Things was discussed. Teague made the motion with support by Bartz to approve the special use permit for walk up food service at Nifty Things and motion carried. The second special use permit for Sitko’s bed and breakfast on McPherson Road was discussed. Rice made the motion with support by Robbins to approve Sitko’s bed and breakfast on McPherson Road.

Supervisor Teague presented board with a prioritized list of upgrades for the community center. Bartz made the motion with support by Robbins to go ahead with reinstalling the exterior lighting (flush mounted) with more efficient LED lights and motion carried.

Discussed overnight mooring at the Alden Safe harbor and reviewed Torch lake Township mooring ordinance. Teague and Peterson to prepare language for overnight mooring ordinance at the Alden safe harbor.

Announcements: Budget hearing scheduled for June 18th, 2013 at 10:00 AM.

Public comment: Jim Gurr commented on the proposed location of the concept for a veterans’ memorial at the Depot park and suggested a possible alternative site at the Helena Township Cemetery.

Motion to pay bills: Bartz motioned with support by Robbins and motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Clerk