Township Board Minutes – August 14th, 2014

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Helena Township Board Meeting

August 14th, 2014


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague.  Present:  Catherine Rice, David Peterson and Butch Bartz.  Bonnie Robbins absent.  Motion to approve agenda by Bartz with support by Rice and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment: Sheriff Dan Bean gave the report for July and updated board that the county was considering some type of fireworks ordinance.  Discussed enforcement officer for the township.

Approval of minutes: Motion by Teague to approve the July meeting’s minutes with an addition with support by Rice and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Township:  Beginning balance as of July 1st, 2014            $547,469.51                                                                                                                         

                                                         Receipts                                                                $7,859.60

                                                         Disbursements                                                    $50,305.42

                                                         Bank balance 07/31/14                                     $505,023.69

Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report by Teague with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Presentation of bills:  July 1-31, 2014 – $35,986.71 and August 1-14, 2014 – $6,996.55.                                

Speakers: None

Communications: Letter from resident concerning fireworks noise and a letter from another resident about walkway between the tennis court park and Mary’s Beach (road end public access).

Committee Reports:

Zoning – Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for July.

Planning Commission – Teague appointed Ken Renaud to replace Jim Swan on the planning commission.

Ambulance Authority – Teague reported the ambulance authority millage passed in the primary election.

Parks and Recreation Committee – Ruth Smith shared with the board the proposed processing form for projects and requests and the application for projects or requests on Helena Township properties.

Roads – Bartz reported that he had spoken with Burt Thompson, county road commission manager, and that he was preparing a list of county local roads in Helena Township with prioritization for maintenance.

Old Business:  The installation of air conditioning units in the community center has started with the installation of the units in the side rooms.

New Business: None


Additional Public comment: Ruth Smith spoke about improving communications about road maintenance and costs for county local roads in Helena Township with the general public.

Motion to pay bills: Rice made the motion to pay the bills with support by Teague and motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned by call of the Chair at 7:54 PM.

Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk_     David G. Peterson Jr.