Helena Township Board Meeting
July 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda by Gurr and support by Teague, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Brett Baldwin gave comments on his running for register of deeds for Antrim County in the upcoming August 7, 2012 primary election.
Peterson presented to board request for payment for seasonal testing (twice a year) of water supplies at the ballpark, Depot park, tennis court park, and the community center. Wagner made the motion to approve the payment of $300.00 for seasonal testing of the township water supplies with support by Teague and motion carried.
Peterson informed board of large quantities (gallons) of oil stored in open containers in the township garage. Board suggested calling Ralph’s to inquire about disposal of the oil.
Peterson informed board that people have complained about the hole at the end of the boat launch ramp at the Alden safe harbor. Wagner to call Active Excavating for cost to have rocks placed in the hole at the end of the ramp.
Approval of minutes: Teague made motion to approve the minutes and support by Gurr and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Township beginning balance as June1, 2012 $384,540.61
Receipts $16,107.95
General Fund Disbursements $23,109.84
Cemetery & Bldg. $7,018.27
Roads (S. Cemetery) $54,968.00
Total Disbursements $85,096.11
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of June 30, 2012 $315,552.46
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support by Gurr; motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: June 1-30, 2012: $67,977.36 and July1-12, 2012: $8,031.34
Speakers: None
Communications: Reviewed Sheriff’s report. Reviewed letter from Steve Dell, Parks and Recreation Committee. In response to letter, Teague to look at possible safety issue at the basketball court at the tennis court park and will call Tri-County if fill is required around edge of basketball court. Wagner to write a letter to be sent out to all local organizations who may do work on behalf of the township and/or on township property informing them that our insurance carrier recommends that a list of volunteers be on file with the township and that a hold harmless agreement be signed by each volunteer.
Zoning Administrator: Molby gave his report.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing the first Wednesday in August, 2012 for changes to zoning ordinance.
Ambulance authority: No report.
Parks & Recreation: No report.
Old business: Board discussed the matter of township maintenance man, Jerry Alpers, and janitor (including public restrooms at tennis court park) Lou Anne Alpers. Both had been on leave using accumulated vacation time. Due to extenuating circumstances, neither he, or Lou Anne would be returning to work as employees. The board therefore decided to run an ad in the local newspaper to fill the maintenance position.
New Business: Wagner informed board that the recent reimbursement policy was not being followed and recommended that it be rescinded. Gurr made the motion to rescind the reimbursement policy with support by Wagner. Motion carried with four yes votes and Peterson voted no.
Rice informed the board that she will take out a $70,000 CD at the Alden State Bank using road millage monies in order to generate some interest dollars for the township.
Board reviewed job descriptions for the maintenance and sexton positions that are open. A special meeting will be called after applications are accepted for the two positions for conducting interviews.
Budget resolution (previously approved June 19th, 2012) signed by township officers for the auditors and for the file.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: None
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support by Teague, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.