Township Board Minutes – November 11th, 2010

Helena Township Board Meeting

November 11th, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said.  Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague.  Motion to approve agenda by Gurr  with support by Teague, motion carried.  Seven in audience.


Public Comment: Bob Robbins read letter from Community Foundation releasing tennis court funds from the Alden Tennis Court Endowment Fund established in 2000.  A check was accepted by the treasurer Cathy Rice in the amount of  $5987.60.  Tom Comfort also spoke of his family’s legacy with the tennis courts in Alden.  The funds will be known as the Helena Township Tennis Court Fund and will be a separate fund within the township budget.


Approval of minutes: Wagner made motion to approve the minutes as written, support from Gurr.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of August 31, 2010     $48,516.01

Receipts          $2172.83

Disbursements        $9,169.26

Bank balance as of 08/31/10       $41,519.58

Two CD’s; $48,119.31 and $15,642.38

Total 2009 MILLAGE $

As of October 31, 2010 Total Assets $105,281.27


                                   Township beginning balance as August 31,2010     $215,506.51

Receipts                    $14,208.21

General Fund Disbursements    $17,822.24

Cemetery                     $914.58

Building                       $9,921.68

Total Disbursements                  $28,658.50                                                            

                       TOTAL BANK BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010   $201,056.22

                                                                                                 ROAD CD     $50,000.00

                                   TOTAL ASSETS AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010        $251,056.22

Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Teague, motion carried.


Presentation of bills: Township October 1-31, 2010: $17,709.30 and November 1-11, 2010: $5,329.65.  Library reported spending $11,667.08 and the TLFD reported spending $14,937.03.


Speakers: Burt Thompson, Antrim County Road Commissioner provided the board with new cost sharing policy where the township is responsible for 90% and the County 10% for road improvements and/or paving dirt roads.  Commissioner Thompson also provided township board with a suggested five year pavement maintenance priorities list for roads within Helena Township which also includes a rating system for the condition of these roads.


Jack Findlay, representing the Alden Volunteers, presented the board with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the installation of a new irrigation system at the Depot Park. This new irrigation system would separate the existing Depot Museum Park irrigation system into two  separate components: one for the grass areas within the park and the other to water the flower beds on the north and west sides.  Alden Volunteers propose a partnership with Helena Township to share the initial costs equally and not to exceed $1,403.50 each.  The Alden Volunteers will bear the costs of the ongoing maintenance contract of $235.00 per year and assume responsibility for repairs to both systems in the future.  Motion by Rice to accept the terms of this proposal, support by Wagner and motion carried.


Communications: Sheriff’s report.


Committee reports: Zoning administrator absent from meeting.  Report was furnished to the board prior to meeting.  Peterson requested that the zoning administrator, Molby, provide the township board with a written report by the next board meeting in December with written details as to what has been completed and what has not been completed with the seven additional requirements to the car wash plans.  A letter will be sent by Supervisor Wagner to Molby.


Planning Commission:  Jim Gurr reported there will be a joint meeting in January with the planning commission and the township board.


Ambulance authority:  Rick Teague updated that work should begin in a couple of weeks on the renovations at the old fire barn.


Old business:  Peterson presented bids from Todd’s Tree Service for tennis court park, depot park, community center and cemetery.  Discussion followed.  Wagner made motion to have the work done at the cemetery as the first priority with support from Gurr and motion carried.  Review of remainder bids at next month’s board meeting.

Peterson reviewed bid from Ferguson and Chamberlain for resurveying all of Helena Township properties and road end public accesses.  Total cost estimate is $11,600.00.  Motion by Rice to go ahead with resurveying all of the road end public accesses for a cost of $6780.00, with support by Gurr and motion carried.  Wagner to investigate which other township properties already have surveys on file at the county.


New Business: Three bids were received for the snowplowing season 2010 to 2011.  Bids were reviewed and discussion followed.  Motion by Gurr with support by Teague to accept snowplowing bid from Ken Barber.


Peterson reviewed bid from Arndt  Electric Service to place in line fuses at each light pole downtown Alden.  Motion by Rice with support by Wagner to accept bid for $1700.00 from Arndt Electric.  Peterson to request what additional cost would be to properly seal access doors at bottom of each light pole.


Announcements: Wagner received notification of receiving permit for dock grant.  A letter is to be sent to DNRE requesting additional money for services by Gourdie-Fraser from the grant.


Additional Public Comment:  None.


Motion to pay bills by Rice, support Gurr, and motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk


David G. Peterson Jr.