Township Board Minutes – November 12th, 2015

Helena Township Board Meeting

November 12th, 2015


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague.  Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Butch Bartz, David Peterson and Bonnie Robbins was absent.  Motion to approve agenda by Rice, supported by Teague.

Conflict of Interest: None.

Public Comment: Jack Findlay acknowledged receiving a thank you letter from the township board.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Bartz, supported by Rice and motion carried.

 Treasurer’s Report:  Beginning balance:  $361673.80

                                      Receipts:                   $18,290.22

                                      Disbursed:                 $40,631.32

                                      Balance:                  $339,332.70

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Bartz and motion carried.

Presentation of Bills:  Oct. 1-31, $31,128.41 and Nov.1-12, $4,233.63

Speakers:  Mike Meriwether, county forester, reviewed two possible options for the forest management of Coy Mtn. and has identified potential hazardous trees in the park.  Option 1.  Recommends the removal or maintenance of all high risk trees along and near the existing trail.  Inspect trees annually and issue a written inspection report.  Leave remainder of the property to mother nature.   CONS: will cost Township money for tree removal and clean-up, will not address the forest health, and will not address long term forest growth and development.   Option 2.  Perform a harvest that addresses the forest health, wildlife, hazard trees, and esthetics on the entire property.  Remove dead ash trees, infected beech, and other trees showing significant signs of decline that are posing a hazard to public usage.  Contract a “cut and scale” timber sale with Fahl Forest Products to harvest dead ash and infected beech trees, harvest storm damaged trees and hazard trees.  Perform annual inspection of Coy Mtn. Park and implementation of a maintenance program.

Township board recommends sending this to Parks & Recreation for their recommendation.

Communications: Antrim County will not be funding the recycling program after 2016.

Zoning: Report given by Guy Molby.

Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the PC received and reviewed suggestions from Parks & Recreation Committee for minor changes to the master plan.  Public hearing to be scheduled at the beginning of next year.

Ambulance: No updates at this time from representative Teague.

Parks & Rec: Gurr reported that P&R made suggestions for minor changes to the master plan.  In order to make final recommendation to the township board P&R needs a picture of the proposed sculptures from the Juniper Garden Club.

Roads: Directional boring from the wet area at the Depot to the shore of Torch Lake is required in order to improve drainage.  The proposal by the Antrim County Road Commission is for $9700.00 with half to be paid by the township.  Bartz made the motion that Helena Township’s portion would not exceed $5,000.00 for the directional boring at the Depot with support by Rice and the motion carried.

Old Business: None

New Business: Clerk presented contract for the 2016 audit from Tobin & Co. in Traverse City, Michigan.

Clerk presented snow plowing bids for the 2015/2016 season from Ken Barber.  Teague made the motion to accept the snow plowing bids from Ken Barber with support by Rice and the motion carried.

Bob Widmer presented the board with the proposed solution for repairing the bridge and railing across Spencer Creek adjacent to the Pear Tree business in Alden.  The section of concrete supporting the existing railing would be cut out and replaced and a new railing installed with artwork in the middle of the railing.  The repair costs by the Antrim County Road Commission is less than $9,000.00 and the new railing $2,000 with the township expected to pay half.  The additional artwork for the middle of the new railing is $5,000 to $7,000 to be paid for by the Alden Volunteers.  Rice made the motion to accept the proposed cost for the repair of the bridge and railing replacement by the road commission not to exceed $6,000.00 with support by Bartz and the motion carried.

Announcements: None

Motion to pay bills by Teague, supported by Bartz and motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.

Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.