Township Board Minutes – October 10th, 2013
Helena Township Board Meeting
October 10th, 2013
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins with support by Bartz and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Approval of minutes: Robbins made the motion to approve the minutes with support by Teague and motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township:
Beginning balance as of Sept. 1,2013 $344,258.47
Receipts $4,720.75
Disbursements $17,070.14
Bank balance 9/30/13 $293,378.06
Motion to approve Treasurers report by Bartz, supported by Robbins and motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Sept.1-30, 2013 – $47,955.99 and October 1-10, 2013 – $3,347.50
Speakers: Sheriff Dan Bean gave the monthly report for September. Bean reported that unused or expired medications can be dropped off Sat. Oct.26th from 10:00 Am to 2:00 PM in the parking lot in front of the Antrim County Court House at 205 East Cayuga Street in Bellaire.
1.) A letter from Dan and Diane Roketenetz was read by Peterson concerning a request to remove a poplar tree that is growing in the Lake Street road end public access adjacent to their home on N. Pere Marquette.
2.) Teague read letter from Parks & Recreation Committee requesting that Chairmans Casey McDowells name be removed from the Committee.
3.) Teague read letter from Carolyn Nowfel who has offered to volunteer with others to remove autumn olive growth from the bank at the Depot Park and do appropriate pruning. Teague informed the board that our maintenance employee has done work on the bank at the Depot Park.
4.) Teague informed board of the proposed Grand Traverse Trail System through the Chain of Lakes and a meeting scheduled for Oct.16th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM in Elk Rapids.
5.) Peterson read report from TLA (Three Lakes Association) regarding the application of Renovate to the Alden Safe Harbor for the treatment of EWM (Eurasian Water Milfoil). TLA met their obligations outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding.
6.) Teague informed the board of the MTA 61st Annual Educational Conference to be held at the Grand Traverse Resort Jan. 28th-31st, 2014.
Committee Reports:
Zoning – Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for September.
Planning Commission – Robbins reported that the Planning Commission met and discussed accessory buildings and ZBA meetings.
Ambulance Authority Teague reported that the Authority was considering millage for EMS services.
Parks and Recreation Committee Ruth Smith informed board that Casey McDowell is no longer chair and his name is removed from the Parks and Recreation Committee. Peterson handed out the newly published Parks and Recreation Plan. The P&R Plan with appropriate documentation has been sent to the DNR.
Roads – Bartz reported that the committee met and that work on North Cemetery was completed and that the road commission will work on shoring up both ends of Cemetery road with grading and additional material. The resurfacing of N. Lake Street will begin the last week in November. The next road committee meeting is scheduled for Nov. 7th at 2:00 PM.
Old Business: None
New Business: Board reviewed snow plowing bid from Ken Barber for the 2013-2014 winter season. Rice made the motion to approve the snow plowing bid from Ken Barber with support by Teague and motion passed.
Rice informed board of the proposed change to the pension fund with employee contributions from 0% to 10% increasing to 0% to 85% if an employee desires. Rice made the motion to accept the change in the pension fund with support by Teague and the motion passed.
Announcements: Peterson informed board of new health insurance marketplace coverage options for board members. Township board members do not have health insurance coverage.
Additional Public comment: Jim Gurr cautioned the board on setting future township policy for removing trees that are potential acts of god or diseased requiring removal and their cost.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Robbins and motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:38 PM.
Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk