Township Board Minutes – September 12th, 2013

Helena Township Board Meeting

September 12th, 2013


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Conflict of Interest: None

Public Comment: None

Approval of minutes: Rice made the motion to approve the minutes with support by Robbins and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Township: Beginning balance as of August 1, 2013         $435,232.23

                                                       Receipts                                                             $14,432.21

                                                         Disbursements                                                 $105,405.97

                                                         Bank balance 8/31/13                                       $344,258.47                                                        

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Bartz, supported by Teague and motion carried.

Presentation of bills: August 1-31, 2013 – $95,864.58 and September 1-12, 2013 – $8,913.39                                    

Speakers: None

Communications: None

Committee reports: Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for August.

Robbins reported that the Planning Commission did not meet in September.

Ambulance authority – no report.

Parks and Recreation Committee – no report.

Bartz reported that the work on North Cemetery was nearing completion. Board has not received estimate for resurfacing North Lake Street at this time.

Old Business: Jack Findlay presented the board with a letter seeking final approval for a Veteran’s Memorial at the Depot Park. The board was given a revised Memorandum of Understanding and the Antrim County Soil and Erosion Control Program. Discussion followed and Clerk David Peterson spoke about the Alden Volunteers using the $33,267.00 earmarked for the Veteran’s Memorial to establish an endowment fund that would assist families of veteran’s and establish scholarships for the children of veteran s. Bartz made the motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding and have the Alden Volunteer’s proceed with the Veteran’s Memorial at the Depot Park with support by Rice. The motion carried with 4 aye votes and one no vote from Clerk David Peterson.

New Business: Steve Dell and Ruth Ann Smith representing the Parks and recreation Committee reviewed the major points of the Parks and Recreation Five Year and Natural Resources Plan. Supervisor Teague made the motion to accept the Parks and Recreation Five Year and Natural Resources Plan with support by Robbins and the motion carried.

Announcements: Supervisor Teague announced that the No Overnight Mooring at the Alden Safe Harbor Ordinance was in effect (became effective Sept. 7th). The signs need to be put up at the Alden Safe Harbor and a copy of the Ordinance sent to the Marine Division of the Antrim County Sheriff’s Department.

Additional Public comment: None

Motion to pay bills: Robbins motioned with support by Bartz and motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.

Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk