Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 11/03/2021 Approved 01/05/2022 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Not in attendance: Jan Loveland. Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples 1. Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm
- The meeting minutes from 10/06/2021 were approved & will be published on the HT website.
- Information from the August HT Board Meeting: The township plans to put Covid – 19 stimulus monies into a CD until they are sure what restrictions there might be on using the $. Alden Volunteer president, Laury Stone reported on general A.V. projects, Boys of Summer projects, & Art Walk. It was mentioned that Tim Stone would be welding the dock units.
- Public Input: Butch talked about possibly installing a rain garden at Archie Valleau Landing to slow down and lessen sediment running into Torch Lake at that point. Other possible upkeep for this park was discussed. OLD BUSINESS:
- Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. Butch will be talking with Heidi Shaffer, Antrim’s Soil Erosion Officer about the possibility of securing funding for the needed erosion control at the ball park. This item will continue on the agenda in January, 2022.
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). There are some glitches in the software program and Steve is working with the designer to make this a workable program.
- 7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. Trail redo. This item is to be moved to the January 2022 agenda and will be combined with the future agenda item of celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve Trail. 8. Helena Twn. Volunteer Group. This item is to be removed from future agendas. Volunteers will be added to the list as they are recruited and hold harmless forms are completed. 9. Annual review of the P&R website. This will be moved to the January agenda.
- We have previously discussed the need for ‘safe’ aprons at the entrance / exits of our parks. Butch told the committee that the township is seeking bids for work to improve the entrance/exit to our parks but has not heard back from any contractors yet. Because Helena Twn. personnel are already working on this the item will be removed from the P&R agenda.
- Butch attended the Grass River Open House where they discussed future needs and plans for fund raising.
- The Committee voted to support the idea of the purchase of additional land adjacent to Coy Mt. A project request form was presented and reviewed by the committee. The committee was in agreement to recommend to the HT Board that they purchase the identified property. The proposal will be sent to HT Board members this week and presented for consideration at their November meeting.
- Jim Gurr reported on the ‘state of Coy Mountain Reserve’. He said that Coy Mt. Reserve looks good with no problem areas. He will report this to the HT Board at their November meeting.
There was some discussion of bringing an additional member onto the Parks and Recreation Committee. Butch Peeples was asked to talk with the proposed person to assess their interest in being on the committee.
The next P&R monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 11/05/2021