Parks & Rec Minutes – Oct 3, 2016

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 10/03/2016      approved 1-9-17

In attendance: Steve Dell, Brad Gerlach, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford

  1. Community Input. None
  2. Minutes from the 09/12/2016 meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.
  3. Information from the September Helena Twp. Meeting A. Jack Findley from the Alden Volunteers informed the Board that AV is willing to replace the Torch Lk. Informational sign near Archie Valleau landing. The board agreed to this idea. AV will bring this back before the board with an MOU when the details have been worked out. B. the Friends of the Library will work out an MOU to bring to the board concerning aesthetic changes they would like to make concerning the Community building and grounds. OLD BUSINESS: 4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR – tennis court resurface + sidewalk: A. The write up concerning the grade on the tennis court sidewalk by Jim Moore of the Disabilities Network has been referred to Christie Bayus at the DNR. We feel this is a positive but are waiting for the decision on approval (we hope) of the project. B. At this time the grant billing forms need to be completed. Steve will contact Kyle Kobylski our project engineer to follow up on this. Township staff also needs to complete other paperwork to request reimbursement of funds spent by HT for the court resurfacing. 5. Erosion abatement project at Ball Park  The Committee agrees that we need to pursue erosion control of the southernmost 118’ of the bank going down to Torch Lk. at Ball Park. Brad will work on trying to get estimates on this work. See agenda item # 10 for more discussion concerning this park. 6. Requests for Memorials: Dave brought information on picnic tables including ADA compliant tables. 7. Moving rocks to Safe Harbor. Mike was not available to report. Brad has attempted to obtain the names of potential contractors (who might work on this type of repair work) from DNR staff. He will continue his contacts with DNR staff. 8. Improved drainage for tennis courts. The current decision is to leave the courts as they are at this time and monitor the need for further drainage. 9. Volunteer holds harmless form.

The committee looked at the hold harmless forms presented and was not satisfied with them. Ruth will rework the forms and again present them to the Committee.

Pk & Rec. Committee Minutes for 10/03/2016 continued       approved 1-9-17

NEW BUSINESS: 10. Revision of our five-year-plan at Ball Park. The committee was in agreement on: We want to make changes in the park in a way that causes the least harm possible to the area. We will work with Jim Moore of Disabilities Network concerning accessibility concerns. A. Erosion control on 118’ of the south most banks to the lake. B. Some type of raised beach south of the existing stairs. Size to be determined. C. Improve the lower parking lot and include at least one accessible parking space. D. Provide an accessible walkway from the parking lot along the northern perimeter of the park to an over look of the lake. E. provide an accessible viewing platform. F. Provide five new picnic tables with at least one being accessible with an accessible pathway to it.

  1. MTG with GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mtn. Brad, Ken and Ruth met with staff from the GTR Land Conservancy. Brad & Ken told them about the history of Coy Mt. The conservancy is considering helping with improvements at the park. Brad will continue working with them.


  1. Discuss 80 acres owned on McPherson Rd Brad walked this land and said you could put in some nice trails. However if they are not used regularly they will soon not be usable. He wonders about the amount of use they will get. This will be put on the future agenda items to be discussed in January ’17.
  2. Ken Masck has resigned from the P&R Committee. He and his contributions will be missed.
  3. Hold Harmless – see # 9

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:                             Monday, November 7th, 2016 – 7pm – meeting room at the Community Bldg… Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 10-05-2016